The Old South Pittsburg Hospital was built in 1959 and is located on the foothill of South Pittsburg Mountain, in South Pittsburg, TN. The hospital was built on a solid Limestone rock, as its foundation and a natural spring running directly under the hospital and into the most Northwest part of the Tennessee River. They still have “ghost hunts” a few were featured on syfy. It has been visited by many research groups and you can find it on fb under old South pittsburg hospital.
(Submitted by Mandy Ables)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1100 Holly Ave
South Pittsburg, TN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 35.00211079965685, -85.71479022502899
- County:
- Marion County, Tennessee
- Nearest Towns:
- South Pittsburg, TN (0.9 mi.)
New Hope, TN (3.2 mi.)
Bridgeport, AL (3.8 mi.)
Kimball, TN (4.0 mi.)
Orme, TN (5.1 mi.)
Jasper, TN (7.1 mi.)
Stevenson, AL (11.6 mi.)
Pleasant Grove, AL (12.4 mi.)
Shiloh, AL (13.2 mi.)
Trenton, GA (14.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We have been here twice and I have gotten some really good things on video. I caught an apparition walking across the hallway, and I also caught an orb moving down the hall, then swishing down into the floor in the nursery. All of the things I captured were on the third floor. We even got a flashlight session going with a mobile field detected by our EMF detectors. I would absolutely go here again.
Went there in May of 2014. Really enjoyed it. Seen a large , shadowy figure that turned into a mist. Was touched a couple of times (felt like spider webs) but I was completely still. We sat in the old nursery, on the third floor, and had a motion capture teddy bear pointed at a hallway window, that would almost constantly go off. Here is a pic from that night.
Nothing there! No shadowy figure, no mist, no anything. How were you even allowed to post this picture of nothing?
Another one….
Last one…
Nice orb pictures…glad one of your pics have the possibility of being real. Keep hunting, you’ll find something when you least expect it.
There are at least two videos of this place featured on nukes top 5. A shadow figure follows the op. Can’t remember the op name on YouTube though. Definitely haunted.
I visited this place about 9 years ago with my paranormal group. It was an experience I will never forget. I got tons of EVPs during the 2 nights we stayed. The first EVP I got was within less than a minute of arriving. I highly recommend staying if you’re a paranormal enthusiast. Definitely a very active location.
I used to work in the lab here on nights before they closed it. I saw all kinds of crazy stuff, shadows, moving objects apparitions, I heard babies crying in the old empty maternity ward. This place was off the charts. I went back years later and caught several cool EVPs. You can hear some of them on my YouTube channel