At this dorm of the Savannah College of Art & Design, the ghost of Gracie Watkins, the little girl who also appears in Bonaventure Cemetery, is said to appear. She has been seen as a transparent form in the hallways or in rooms.
Further, it is reported that from room 600 or 601, a female student once jumped and committed suicide, and that area is active with strange going-on.
Also, the mysterious sound of a stool scraping across the floor above is said to occur in room 416. Folks also report the sound of a marble dropping and rolling.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 201 W Oglethorpe Ave
Savannah, GA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 32.077217, -81.09572400000002
- County:
- Chatham County, Georgia
- Nearest Towns:
- Savannah, GA (0.5 mi.)
Thunderbolt, GA (4.0 mi.)
Garden City, GA (4.3 mi.)
Whitemarsh Island, GA (5.7 mi.)
Port Wentworth, GA (6.3 mi.)
Isle of Hope, GA (6.9 mi.)
Vernonburg, GA (7.8 mi.)
Wilmington Island, GA (8.8 mi.)
Pooler, GA (9.2 mi.)
Montgomery, GA (9.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My daughter spent the majority of her college life living in Oglethorpe House, a tired, hulking ex-hotel dormitory with all the charm of Alcatraz Prison. Throughout her SCAD years, I encouraged her to move to a different dorm, but she remained at O House because her friends also lived there. After living in a number of different rooms, at the start of her junior year she moved into Room 634 with her friend, who, coincidentally, shared the same name and personality traits as my daughter. Nevertheless, when my husband and I dropped my daughter off in Room 634, upon entrance, I immediately felt extremely nauseous and dizzy. I felt as if the room (top floor, western corner) actually swayed a bit. I had to leave the room to get some air. Neither my daughter nor her room mate complained of any uneasiness that year. However, when my daughter became a senior, her former room mate had graduated. My daughter, “G”, however, still lived in Room 634… with a different, very strange room mate. To make a long story short, my daughter began to experience increasingly crippling anxiety attacks. Eventually,the room mate’s mother called me, claiming that she would have “my” daughter arrested if her behaviors continued. Now, completely overwhelmed with panic,my daughter called an ambulance, fearing a nervous breakdown, and was taken to the hospital. No RA, no security personnel assisted her in any way. In the middle of the night, my daughter had to call a cab to be taken back to the dreadful Oglethorpe House. My husband made the 15 hour drive to pick up “G” the next day. She did not finish Quarter 1 of her senior year; she had to get out of that place. After taking a quarter-long break from SCAD, determined not to give up in the home stretch, “G” eventually went back to said “college” of higher learning (my sarcasm here involves a different issue), ensconced in a “non-active” dorm. She graduated, but the family’s overall feeling towards the place was charged with negativity; though she received her diploma, none of us wanted to go back to Savannah for the graduation ceremony. Other than the cloying humidity, there is something “off” or “other” hanging in the oppressive air of Savannah.
I am currently a senior at SCAD and during my sophomore year I lived on the second floor of Oglethorpe House. The first night I arrived to my dorm (prior to my roommate) I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my own toilet flushing on it’s own. I laid there in silence thinking that maybe my roommate had just arrived while I was sleeping. Then I felt a warm, pressure above me for about 5 seconds. As if someone was trying to lay down with me. I eventually fell asleep. My roommate didn’t end up arriving for another three days which led me to research and discover that others have experienced similar paranormal interactions (many were worse in comparison). Other than my first night I can’t recall anything out of the ordinary happening the rest of the year (with the exception of the heels and marble rolling above which I never thought twice about until reading about others experiences and making the connection). To this day, that has been my only encounter what may have been a spirit or ghost. This dorm most likely carries some paranormal entities and I would highly suggest not living there especially for those that are scared easily.
I go to school here and will definitely think about it a lot if I ever consider living here, but seriously not after reading this stuff most likely.
I live in room 529 with no room mate and every once in awhile, working late at night, I’ll hear the distinct sound of breathing in the empty bed. It’s not creepy breathing- just sounds like someone sleeping. I don’t mind it. Doesn’t even really scare me, which is probably the weirdest part, since I’m usually pretty jumpy.
How has nobody mentioned the hooker? I definitely heard her when my then boyfriend was living on the 3rd floor in 2002. The sound of her walking in high heels down the hall when nobody was there, and the sound passing through the walls as if there is a hallway through the rooms.