Octagon Hall

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The historic Octagon Hall was completed in 1859, and is rumored to be haunted. In the 1860s it is said that a young girl burned to death in the basement kitchen, and local stories tell that during a 2003 Halloween ghost tour, the fireplace kettle, which hangs from a moveable arm but is too heavy to move easily, swung out into the room. Also, during a Civil War reenactment when some actors stayed the night in the house, they heard footsteps and opening and closing doors throughout the night. Next morning they found an body-shaped imprint in a featherbed in an upstairs bedroom, although no one had slept there. A few days later, a woman was alone cleaning and saw that the feather bed looked as if someone had been lying in it, so she fluffed it up. When she returned shortly after, the imprint was in the bed again. She had not heard about the imprint made earlier. Other phenomena experienced here include the unexplained scent in the parlor of flowers which quickly turns to decayed meat; this happened on December 15, 2003. Folks speculate that this is because it was the anniversary of original owner Andrew Jackson Caldwell’s death, and his body was displayed in the parlor (common practice at the time). Ghost hunters here have collected several examples of electronic voice phenomena as well as other communications.

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    Geographic Information

    6040 Bowling Green Rd
    Franklin, KY 42134
    United States

    Get Directions »
    36.807324217156115, -86.55690246823724
    Simpson County, Kentucky
    Nearest Towns:
    Woodburn, KY (2.9 mi.)
    Franklin, KY (6.0 mi.)
    Plano, KY (9.2 mi.)
    Auburn, KY (9.3 mi.)
    Mitchellville, TN (12.1 mi.)
    Bowling Green, KY (14.1 mi.)
    Portland, TN (15.7 mi.)
    Orlinda, TN (16.8 mi.)
    Fairfield, TN (17.5 mi.)
    Plum Springs, KY (17.5 mi.)

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    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (5)

    1. I went to Octagon hall on a saturday night. We heard and we saw so much. I would recommend this place to anyone. Lots of orbs and voices.

    2. My wife and I visited this place several years ago. We heard whispers and even felt a very cold touch on my arm. We continued walking around and my wife kept turning around and asked me several times if I was calling her. She told me that she heard her name being whispered several times. There were several cold spots that were not normal. A strong feeling of being watched was felt as we entered different parts of the building.I look forward to going back again soon.

    3. I watched an episode of Taps ghost hunters and herd Marry Elizabeth Yell something is hurting me….for some reson the name Marry Elizabeth was always a part of my life from a vary long time all my Dolls names were Marry Elizabeth and I’ve been having dreams about her being taped and needing help but for some reson I wake up before I reach her right after a Bright flash of light hits my face….I have had this Dream ever since I can remember and many times…..it really bugs me that I can’t help her….I know she’s screaming for help and I’m sure for some reason she feals contented to me and I her….I wish I could reach her go to her and help her but I don’t know if Marry Elizabeth and I will ever get that chance so if someone is reading this that can help her please let me know Thanks Arlis Kurger

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.