Witnesses who have seen the ghost believed to haunt this cemetery have given a thorough description of her apparition. She is in her mid twenties and has shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes, and wears a turn-of-the-century lace dress.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 927 Jackson St
St Paul, MN 55117
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.9686624, -93.09637570000001
- County:
- Ramsey County, Minnesota
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Paul, MN (1.7 mi.)
West Saint Paul, MN (3.6 mi.)
Falcon Heights, MN (3.8 mi.)
Lilydale, MN (3.9 mi.)
Roseville, MN (3.9 mi.)
Little Canada, MN (4.0 mi.)
Maplewood, MN (5.1 mi.)
Lauderdale, MN (5.7 mi.)
North Saint Paul, MN (5.9 mi.)
Landfall, MN (6.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://oaklandcemeterymn.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
there is also been sightings of UFO’s in that cemetery and the black angel believe to be cursed
I grew up near there and it was a very scary Cemetery
Where’s the black angel ?
Apparently, someone tried to steal it for reasons unknown. It was removed and is in storage.
I grew up in St. Paul and heard so many stories about this place. As teenagers we would go there for a good scare. One night,as an adult, a friend and I decided to drive through the cemetery. Unfortunately the gates were locked shut. We were positioned with headlights facing the gates when something flitted across behind the gates. As we jumped and screamed my cars headlights went out.I kid you not when they decided to turn back on fog was emanating from the graveyard. Deciding we had seen enough and needed a stiff drink I put my car in reverse only to have it die. In a fevered manic we both started crying lol. I have no idea why or what caused the car to die or start up again but when it did we got out of there. Mind you the car died but the headlights decided to stay on barely cutting through the fog. Trick of the mind or not we saw figures in the fog and felt extremely vulnerable.
This is a joke I have been in there in the middle of the night. There is nothing there! Grow up people
It’s not a joke ! It’s real . Maybe you haven’t ever seen the ghost and actually some don’t ! Iv’e heard tons of people saying they didn’t seen it and have not seen it . 9 months ago I was In a van with one of my friends from elementary school . When we heard stories at our school about the haunted cemetery we decided to meet up at 4:00 o clock ! When we got there we parked our car by a side walk not far from the cemetery . She brought her camera for footage of any ghost . Of course it was for fun lol ! As we began to walk for 5 mins we saw a tall black angel . We took pics of it then of course started continue to walk . We decided to take a look at the tomb stones of each grave . We were playing a game seeing if we can find the oldest grave by year . I found a grave that said ” 1894 ” . As she walked by me she started to not walk anymore . She took 3 steps back . She seemed to be staring at something . I looked where the directions of her eyes was and saw a girl by a tree sitting down . A white dress . It was hard to tell which color it was because she was hiding behind the tree . She had brown boots covered in mud . Her dress was dirty and seemed old when I looked at it . We started to whisper and started to run and hide behind a tall tomb stone . She tried to took footage but her camera was 9 percent charged . She only had 5 Minutes to record . When she started to take footage the lady started t get up . She had a white flower in her hand . She was about to turn around but stopped . We were freaking screaming at some point and running . We ran to the car and drove to my house . We looked at the footage but the footage was gone .
Well to tell the truth this cemetery is interesting I live bot 1 block west of the cemetery I have a handful of friends an family buried there but as kids growing up we would always walk threw to take short cuts to the east side I heard foot steps following me an strange glimpses out the corner of my eye but never paid any mind to them but one day a guy stopped me as I walk out the fence at park n front an told me not to walk threw the cemetery because the souls will follow u home me being young n said Bullshit I learned the hard way 2 days later I cut threw an got home later that night I would see black shadows in my house an could hear a deep breathing sound coming from the next room I stopped cutting threw and it never happened again and I have a relative that has gotta recording of a spirit talking to him threw a recorder its some scary stuff to hear an its real but as far a the tale of the black an white angle yes it happened but rumor has it that one was removed due to do much activity remember this was cemetery was built for the soldiers in 1800’s they give tours on memorial day if you would like more info on this cemetery is it creepy yes is there things goin on there well of course it’s a cemetery for a good spook go record an take pictures at night
I wouldnt suggest that people go there in the middle of the night because that is trespassing. So that might be a bad idea. I do know that they have security that goes throught the cemetery periodically.
This cemetery is not haunted! I have personally lived by here and have been in the cemetery numerous times in the middle of the night. There are no ghosts here. I think it may be all in your head especially the guy with the car story. Also the Balck angel is gone so I wonder how you got a videom of it?
There are more things in heaven and earth than your philosophy dictates. William Shakespeare. My wife and I have traveled great distances to explore paranormal activity. The ghosts don’t seem to want to appear to me, perhaps because I have no fear around them. My wife, on the other hand is very in tuned to their presents. I kind of use her as bate. I know, not to gentlemanly but I use what ever tools I can. She has never had bad feelings about this place and we grew up around there, but that does not mean the spirits are not there. Perhaps its just me.
I’ve live across the street last 4years never seen any ghost but friends have if you walk at night next to fence feels like your being watch when I was young 40 years lived down the street romour has it as a white angel and black angel never seen them yet
Was in the small church inside this cemetery when I was around 16 ( not legally). And actually seem two apparitions as well as items move on there own. My friend wanted to audio record the organ inside. Scariest night of my life
I have many relatives buried here and been coming to this cemetery since I was a kid. My dad told us stories of this place being haunted but we always thought it was to scare us. One time my dad took us there and we took pics by our families head stone and in one photo of my sister there was a mist around her the pic was clear other wise. We didn’t see it on the digital camera until we uploaded the pics on the computer. I walked to the east side past the cemetery at night a few times and it was just creepy never really saw anything but the deer that used to live in there… mabey my relatives were protecting me.