A couple of spooky stories surround this cemetery’s hill, and the fact that your car, when put in neutral, will seem to travel up it by itself. According to one story, a car full of football players was in an accident here when the car stalled. While they were pushing the car up the hill, another vehicle struck them and all died. Rumor has it that your car seems to travel uphill because the helpful ghostly football players are pushing it so you won’t meet the same fate they did. Another tale told here is that two children were run over and killed here, and the illusion of being pushed is the two children pushing your car off their bodies. Reports say that the phenomenon is an optical illusion. It seems as if you are being pushed uphill by a ghostly force, but because of the lay of the land, what looks like a road going uphill is actually a road going downhill.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Oak Hill Cemetery
Estherville, Iowa
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.3984605, -94.85271180000001
- County:
- Emmet County, Iowa
- Nearest Towns:
- Estherville, IA (1.0 mi.)
Superior, IA (5.2 mi.)
Wallingford, IA (6.2 mi.)
Gruver, IA (7.4 mi.)
Terril, IA (8.8 mi.)
Dunnell, MN (11.8 mi.)
Graettinger, IA (12.2 mi.)
Dolliver, IA (12.3 mi.)
Orleans, IA (12.5 mi.)
Spirit Lake, IA (12.6 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
does anybody know if their is any haunted places near or in Fairmont minnesota
There is near hanska mn there is a hunting of the ghost of bloody marry preferably known as Anne marie twente she was said to have died of long fever when they barried her she wasnt dead later they had dug up her remainsyou only find out that she was actually alive in the casket would hair in her fingers
I don’t remember where (haven’t been out that way in half a decade), but I remember there was an old farm house that always gave me the creeps. It was somewhere between Turtle Lake and Welcome, MN on 263rd. Gave me the creeps even from the road doing “55”.
There is a farm on that road. The owners husband was a cop but he had murdered someone while on duty.
I’ve experienced it for myself many times since it’s where I liveā¦plus I’ve taken photos in the past and saw orbs in the photos and a few times I’d be in the cemetery with friends goofing off and we’d look by the hill to see headlights as they’re coming closer they disappeared before coming down the hill.
Oh and we locals have put baby powder on our bumpers then put vehicle in neutral and after we’ve been pushed we’d look and the bumpers have finger prints in the powder, so if it’s fake well good luck explaining the finger prints cuz nobody here has been able to figure that one out.
This is Aaron Beckman currently of Estherville Iowa I have lived here for over 4 years every time I’ve been near Oak Hill Cemetery I have had weird feelings about the place something did not feel right about that place so one night on Halloween night me and two other friends went up there to investigate it ourselves I would like to mention the names of the people that were with me potential but unfortunately I would need permissionhowever when we did the investigation I used a digital recorderalong with a video recorder set in – settingsa black and white
hello this is Aaron Beckman currently of Estherville I have lived there for over 4 years I have studied Oak Hill Cemetery I have heard stories such as football players have died out there however there was never any reports made from police and Emmet County ever I have also heard about two girls that have died after playing in the street also wish was never confirmed by Emmett County Police Department so as it goes I went up on myself and did an investigation 3 years ago when I first moved up there and actually did a full investigation in here is what I found I have caught several clips of full figured aperations as well as dog like creatures with red eyes one of the aperations was holding a anthmey like a dager like knive an was walking tord me scorning to leave the grounds of her sisters .. this was on Halloween night 3 years back I used a digital camera and I took photos around within the cemetery an I had cought aperations within the photos unfortunately the camera died and I lost my camera priority to the years of moving stuff around .. but nothingI have ever seen in my life preparing me for that night I was so frightenedafter leaving the cemetery the two other friends that were with me had collapsed and had trouble breathingI swear that night I would never go backat least at night
Also ive herd from a psychic that he belives there were witches violently executed they were buried thereback in the 1800 S so for the study checking in history’s I will try to locate names of them however the psychic I talk to you believe that it had to do with the founding fathers of the town or something to do with naming of the town and or ancestors in the finding of the town..
hello my name is Aaron Beckman. There are other hauntings in Spencer Iowa other than the Moose Pond haunting. However the legends of moose pond are 110 % true. I witnessed this. It was on the night of December 23rd, I was coming home from work from hyline hatchery. I was riding my bicycle home by moose pond, when I heard the screams for help. So, I went down to check it out.Only to find nothing was there. So I searched thru moose ponf trail. As I got closer to the pond, the screams became louder. When I got there. Thier was no one to be seen. I dialed 911. As I did so it sounded as if someone were drowning. But the police never found anyone. However, the police dept. Had stated that there had been a drowning there before. But never gave me a date. So, moving on,I have heard legends of erie feelings while crossing thunder bridge. So I went out with a digital camera one nite. Around about midnight or so. I had taken a few pictures of my friends out on the bridge. After investigating the photos from the digital camera, we had caught 5 distinct orbs we had emailed to TAPS, they emailed back and stated that these were indeed ghost orbs. During the investigation the police had stopped my investigation. As the legend goes I have heard 2 stories of men who had played chicken on that bridge.however I have never fully looked into that.
I have also heard stories about loone lake mn area I have been there storie said to have a wicked an nasty witch burried there how ever her site isnt in there its else ware near it but I had gone one night with a friend from school an some of his friends but we went in with four people an only three came back we never herd from the peraon again police didnt find him my other friend next to me had been cut by her an now lives with the scare from left check down to lower area along rib cage I myself had gotten sick but she didnt harm me how ever she invited me back but to come alone with a bottle of liqure …an some roses so I did an she welcomed me an I askes her why she replyed u were worthy of my trust an ur one like me .. I was confused an an said I dont understand she replyed with laughter ur a witch too.. I was shocked at first but keep quit an left frightned but she said that I am welcome anytime … an as I left she said I love u my grandson carry out my legacy remember who u are … an as of 2005 I have been wiccan an study it well for years ive learned an studyed huntings an paranormal things
LMAO! Good Campfire Story!
I used to live in superior iowa and estherville iowa. I have experienced things at loon lake mn. As a teenager me and some friends had heard the stories of loon lake. As we walked around the cemetary a few times we all kept going to the same spot where the witches grave was supposed to be. After about the 5th time of going by and empty space all of a sudden a grave appeared out of no where. A couple of my friends took off running and when they got to my car it was running but i had my keys in my pocket. We heard evil sounding laughter. When we all got into my car it stopped running and when I tried to start it, it wouldnt start. After about 2 minutes i gave up trying to start my car i got out with keys in hand and then it started up again. No one got hurt but my friends were mad at me for a few weeks to say the least. Another incident at the oak hill cemetary also known as sherwood forest me and some friends went there to try out the car going uphill and thats very true. We put baby powder on the rear bumper and several small finger prints showed up that werent there before hand. There is also alot of paranormal activity at swan lake by superior iowa as well. That part of iowa is a hotbed of paranormal activity. And alot of abandoned houses to explore that are haunted.
Love these campfire stories!! Great entertainment! Get out the Ouja Board.
I’ve heard that if you go over again and do put it in neutral a second time, that instead of helping you, they get mad and push you off. But I also heard it was a school bus of children
I have been to oak hill cemetary 3 times and yes i was pushed in my car but i would not claim it was by a ghost because if u put any car in neutral it will move.. I tried talking to the cemetary and got nothing… Moose pond another BS story nothing happend there either… Loom lake i went and drove by i did not enter the grave yard and again. Nada! I am very much into proving the existence of life after death and i have yet to see a ghost..
My brother Branden he went to the hill cemetery at night and his car went missing and so he had walk home bec he could not find his car next morning he found it and it was not working till later that day it started to work and it drove by it self and stop.