North Bowdoin Cemetery - Cemetery in the Pit

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Rumored to have been buried here in the 1800s is a woman who practiced witchcraft. Some say she was buried near a big stump, and if a star appears in the stump, it means the witch is roaming the grounds with you. It is said that there is a curse attached to the witch’s grave.

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    Geographic Information

    North of Dead River Road on Litchfield Rd
    Bowdoin, ME
    United States

    Get Directions »
    44.10490774288044, -69.98725926878251
    Sagadahoc County, Maine
    Nearest Towns:
    Sabattus, ME (6.1 mi.)
    Lisbon, ME (7.7 mi.)
    Bowdoinham, ME (7.9 mi.)
    Lisbon Falls, ME (8.3 mi.)
    Richmond, ME (9.4 mi.)
    Monmouth, ME (9.5 mi.)
    Greene, ME (9.6 mi.)
    Lewiston, ME (11.3 mi.)
    Auburn, ME (12.1 mi.)
    Topsham, ME (12.3 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. About 15 years ago, when I was a freshman in high school at Oak Hill (Sabattus, Litchfield and Wales) I heard the story of this haunted place. But with many stories that get passed down, the version I got was a little different. We all thought it was “Lizzie Borden’s” Grave for some reason. Anyways, we decided to go at night. We all left the car and walked into the dark cemetery.. we were there for a couple min and as all four of us approached the unmarked grave, the lights on the car turned on.. the keys were on the front drivers seat and we all knew that.. completely freaked out, we ran back to the car, taking it as a warning and left immediately.
      The site of the old Tavern.. one time I dared a friend to ring the doorbell.. the only light on in the whole place.. as soon as she ran back to the car.. the door of the locked home flew open with no one there.. we sped off like bats outta hell..
      Definately a haunt

      • i used to live down the road, one of my friends at the time i just met once moving there lived on the road right after this cemetery taking a left, he had a birthday party and we visited the cemetery at night it was a weird night but nothing too out of the ordinary because i can’t remember much because it was about 10 years ago

        • I went there with high-school friends 30 years ago. One of my friends dared me to step on the marker stone in the middle of the trees. We all got super freaked out and I have had horrible luck ever since.

    2. I’ve been here many times and have asked many people about the witch. the legend is about a girl named lizzie lydston who was an 18 yr old witch. her family, ashamed of her practices, had her hanged. before she died she cursed the area that they would bury her in. scared that the curse may actually come true, her family buried her outside of their plot in the woods. as the years passed the trees around her grave grew in a perfect square, they even tried removing the trees a few times but they still grew back the same. those who enter the trees are said to be cursed. a while back there were three guys who attempted digging her up and the following week they all died in car accidents. I’m not sure if all of this is true, but these are some of the many stories I’ve heard about miss Elizabeth Lydston.

    3. Many years ago when I was in high school (I was about 17), we did what most teenagers did and went to Lizzie’s grave. Many in my group went within the circle of trees but I stayed back. Nothing happened until we got into the car. I had the Ouija board on my lap and started messing around with. Stupid me was the only one on the board and I was not prepared for what was coming through. When I asked who was there, it spelled LIZZIE. I couldn’t make it up and had 4 other witnesses. And, I had no idea how she spelled her name. Lizzie told me she was in trouble and being held by an evil spirit. It was an entire afternoon of communications and finally when it ended, I don’t think I slept for months. I have never, ever gone back to that location nor do I ever plan to.

    4. Was there today. Had my Cocker Spaniel in the car and he would not get out!!! That has never happened before. Did not linger very long as the feelings I was getting was making me feel sick. Had not ever heard of the legend of this place until I was looking for the name of the cemetery online and found this info here.

      • Went there September 2015. I too had a sick feeling come over and left quickly. Felt very heavy and my head/chest just didn’t feel right. Took a bit of time to shake it off. Very odd

    5. I went here about a year or so ago during the day with my fiancee. It was surprising that even the newer metal grave markers had holes missing out of them, and as we walked the cemetary I could taste metal and felt uneasy.

      We decided to go back and check it out at night tonight and just as we approached the grave surrounded by that square of broken trees (the one covered in offerings, next to that strange pit in the ground) somebody pulled up and asked what we were doing there. We explained that we were just checking the place out and that we’d originally found it on google, and they said they’d never heard about any hauntings and were surprised that’s why we were there.

      Just a minute or so after talking to the first guy, another pulled up from the other direction and said something like “Let me give you a tip, you don’t want to get caught here. Vandals come here with baseball bats so the police are watching this place.”

      We left, but thought it strange that two people came and looked into what we were doing so quickly. They were probably just looking out for their neighborhood, but I am 2 for 2 on odd visits to this place.

      • Sadly Maine Law does not allow people into cemeteries at night due to Vandalism. It make me sad to think that people would go into a cemetery and destroy it and then frequent it with baseball bats.

    6. Visited with a few friends this past summer. Definitely looked like some was recently digging into the grave. (Soft soil, broken ground, etc.)

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.