At the Capitol building, some say ghosts walk at night. One of them is said to be artist William Morris Hunt, and another is a night watchman who perished in a fire in 1911.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Hawk St
Albany, NY
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.65283489999999, -73.75733939999998
- County:
- Albany County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Albany, NY (0.1 mi.)
Rensselaer, NY (1.0 mi.)
West Albany, NY (2.4 mi.)
Hampton Manor, NY (2.6 mi.)
Menands, NY (3.2 mi.)
Roessleville, NY (3.9 mi.)
Delmar, NY (4.4 mi.)
McKownville, NY (5.1 mi.)
East Greenbush, NY (5.1 mi.)
Colonie, NY (5.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
In junior high school, my class took a field trip to the Capitol Building once, where one of the janitors there immediately told us of the haunted upstairs hall, where footsteps were heard, doors opening and closing, and voices were often heard in the middle of the night. The entire class wanted to spend the night in the upstairs hall, in hopes of hearing and maybe even seeing a ghost.
take a look at the man to the left. Seems to be balding. But what I also see is a child like head coming out of the mans head. I also have other pictures I have taken during the ghost tour but they are not on this computer. Let me know your thoughts!
In the year 1911 a large portion of the building caught on fire and the night watchmen ended up dying in the fire. his name was Samuel Abbott and he also was a veteran of the American Civil War. his ghost is the one who walks around opening and closing doors and hearing his footsteps as well. After finding and reading his obituary in an old newspaper clipping i found online, i found out he is also buried in Oakwood Cemetary in the city of Syracuse NY. Me being a syracuse native and paranormal investigator went up to Oakwood Cemetary which is located right behind behind the Syracuse university and ESF campus and ended up locating his grave. If you ever get the chance to explore the city of syracuse go to Oakwood Cemetary and check it out. it has alot of old and interesting gravestones that date back to the victorian era and also a great way to learn more about some of the history of syracuse as well.