New York Institute of Technology

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Several of the older buildings at the Old Westbury campus of NYIT are considered to be haunted. In particular the art center, where the specter of a long-dead woman has allegedly frightened night-time cleaning crews out of the building.

Hans Holzer, the legendary author and paranormal researcher, taught parapsychology at NYIT.

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Geographic Information

Campus Dr
Old Westbury, NY
United States

Get Directions »
40.809574, -73.602825
Nassau County, New York
Nearest Towns:
Greenvale, NY (1.3 mi.)
Old Westbury, NY (1.5 mi.)
Old Brookville, NY (1.6 mi.)
East Hills, NY (1.7 mi.)
Roslyn Harbor, NY (1.9 mi.)
Brookville, NY (1.9 mi.)
Glen Head, NY (2.1 mi.)
Glenwood Landing, NY (2.4 mi.)
Roslyn, NY (2.6 mi.)
Roslyn Heights, NY (2.7 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Charie D. La Marr  |  

    I went to school there for 5 years. That is not a photo of the art building aka Midge Kerr Bldg. That is the English Dept offices. I have been there at night, but only with large groups of people for receptions etc. Never saw anything although I do admit that there were certain times day and night that I felt uncomfortable. I never felt anything in the building you have pictured. And thinking back, I never remember seeing custodians in Midge Kerr. Likely if there were sightings it would be near the large fireplace which is right outside the Interior Design offices. The fireplace is dated to the 1700s but I do not recall the exact date. Also very nearby is a Greek temple which was supposedly brought from Greece in pieces and just abandoned. The columns are just lying all over the ground. It is very possible there are hauntings there as well. I have never heard of any other stories of the Old Westbury Campus, but the Islip Campus dorms are in former Insane Asylum buildings and I have heard lots of stories about them. Screams, footsteps, knocking and even sightings. I will try to go and take a picture of Midge Kerr one day (or night) this photo is wrong.

  2. Charie D. La Marr  |  

    On further looking at this photo, it says LIU – Long Island University aka CW Post. This is the college next door. This is not NY Tech.

  3. I came to this page because tonight I had a violent dream that took place on NYITs campus. Buildings were abandoned and warnings were posted to keep out. I, along with a few other people, ignored the warnings and entered certain abandoned buildings anyway. We were hunted and tormented by shadows all around us. When I awoke it took me a few moments to become oriented again. I immediately searched Google for “ghosts of NYIT” and landed here

    I’ve only ever been to the CPUs of SUNY Old Westbury, which is adjacent to the NYIT campus. And that was a brief time for work about 12 years ago. So I have no real contact point for NYIT. I just found this curious

  4. My School rented the old dorm buildings on this campus. There were some very old abandoned buildings that seemed to be another dorm set up. It was creepy and falling apart… I was trying to find it in the woods on google maps but no luck. I think it was near the horse stables.. it’s been over 10 years since I went to school there so I can’t exactly remember. I know we walked from the parking lot near the big field. Anyone know what I’m describing?

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