Here, objects have been known to move by themselves or mysteriously disappear, and strange sounds abound. Folks say the distinct sound of a cat scratching on a scratching post come from the executive director’s office. It’s a mystery, since the place was formerly an undertaking business, and a cat doesn’t seem to fit in with the scenario.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 48 E Patrick St
Frederick, MD 21705
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.4139408, -77.4092991
- County:
- Frederick County, Maryland
- Nearest Towns:
- Frederick, MD (0.1 mi.)
Clover Hill, MD (3.1 mi.)
Bartonsville, MD (3.1 mi.)
Spring Ridge, MD (3.2 mi.)
Ballenger Creek, MD (3.2 mi.)
Braddock Heights, MD (5.0 mi.)
Buckeystown, MD (5.6 mi.)
Walkersville, MD (5.9 mi.)
Urbana, MD (6.8 mi.)
Jefferson, MD (7.5 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
It was an undertaking business and furniture store that also built caskets
I was at the museum on Sunday Aug 6, 2017. I was on the second floor just beginning my tour. I was standing in the middle of the room when I felt a cold air draft like feeling up and down my whole backside like a large person had walked by and I looked behind me and no one was any where behind me. It was very cold and very intense and I could distinctly feel it from my head to my feet and it was not coming from the ceiling like from a ceiling vent.
My son who is a medium and I were at the Civil War Medical Museum on the 2nd floor nine years ago when I started feeling dizzy and had to sit down. I asked my son if he could see anything how I was feeling and that the museum is supposed to have 6 – 7 spirits haunting it. My son said “It’s closer to 70.” He was seeing orbs all over the place on the 2nd floor. That museum has fragments of bone, instruments that were used on people in surgery and pictures of soldiers that underwent treatment. It is no wonder that the place is haunted! Once we left the 2nd floor my dizziness left and my son stopped seeing orbs.
Hello, my name is Marty Brown, my father in law is Robert “Bob” Gearinger who is a long term resident of Frederick. At least 20 years ago he invited me and my wife to the museum to meet a psychic medium and his daughter. They had a small audience including a man who was born in the house that is now the museum. I believe this gentleman died some years ago. During the psychic reading he saw the mother of the man born in house and said she was behind him. The psychic detailed information about the house, about her son and about what happened in the home during the Civil War. The man was very receptive to the reading and more details about his life were detailed as well as things that had occurred in the home since the Civil War. During the reading I noticed a young woman standing near the psychic, she did speak during the reading but kept her gaze the entire time during the reading. I did not know if she was looking at me or someone around me, including my wife, Bob and the man who lived in the house who was sitting behind us. At the end of the reading Bob asked my wife and I if we would like to meet the man who did the reading. We went to a back room and closed the door where the three of us met the psychic and his daughter. After a few minutes of small talk the daughter, who was staring into my eyes and I couldn’t break her gaze. Then she turned to her father and said “dad, look at his eyes, he has the eyes.” Her father asked me if I had ever experienced anything while being in the museum. I told him I did not but told him when my wife and I were married in the Lutheran church one block over from the museum I had experienced something I could not explain. During our rehearsal dinner we had mussels marinara and the next morning several of us were ill. I went to the church and the pastor asked me if I was okay. He took me to a room that had a place to lay down and a bathroom. When it was time for the ceremony I walked out a door that led to the front of the church and the alter where the pastor and my grooms were waiting. As I walked through the door my brother, who was my best man, asked me if I was going to be okay. I told him I was fine but I was worried about the people I could see floating around the church ceiling. My brother ignored what I said and grabbed the back of my pants and led me to the area in front of the alter where the pastor was waiting. I made it through the ceremony but the entire time I was seeing orbs of light around us, on the area above the pews and I heard people talking, but no one in the pews was talking. After my description of what I experienced the psychic and her daughter were whispering to each other. Then the psychic said he had seen orbs in and around the museum, most of which he said were Civil War solders. He told me that he had heard about many of the churches in Frederick had been used as field hospitals during the War. He told me that when someone is ill they can experience psychic happenings. During this whole time of talking with him his daughter did not take her gaze off of me but while I was talking about my experience she was smiling and kept looking into my eyes. Her father said he would llke to come back some day and follow up with me about my experiences in that area. They left and I never knew their names. Since that time I have been open to my own psychic experiences. My wife and I bought a home that was built in in 1897 and we were told several people had died in the home. To make the story short my first born son experienced two different entities in our home, one named Bobby who he played with everyday and we thought it was just an imaginary friend as well he said he had woken up on occasions and saw an elderly man standing next to his bed. Also, we did remodeling of the kitchen, my wife took pictures of me working and most of them had orbs in a circle around me. A few years later an elderly man came to our home, we invited him in, he said he was 100 years old and was born in the house. He spent at least an hour telling us about the house and what had occurred there.
He told us that a young man had been hit by a car in front of the house, was brought into the house and he later died. The man told us his name was Bobby. Years later another person came to our home and verified there was a boy named Bobby who died in the home. He also told us that he was friends with the people who lived in our house and knew them, he said he spent time in our home with the family who lived here. The elderly man who visited us told us his father had also died in the house. My home is built on land that was used during the Civil War as an encampment and hospital. I have lived in this home for 30 years. About 5 years ago my neighbor told me that during a storm he saw a man outside his window that looked like a Civil War soldier. A few months later he was found in home dead from a drug overdose. Recently my new neighbor told me someone had been coming onto his property and unscrewing light bulbs several times a week. I did not share the stories of the death in his home or the Civil Was character that was seen. I share all of this with you because I believe we all have the ability to feel the presence of those who have passed on. It takes practice though and you must be patient with your abilities. If any of who remember the psychic from the museum and would be willing to share it with me I would be appreciative. I would like to follow up with him and let him experience my home. Thank you in advance for your help, Marty Browhb