Munger Road is reportedly haunted by flashing lights, screams that come from the railroad tracks, and phantom trains. Legend has it that a train once hit a school bus, killing the children on board, and their ghosts linger all over the area. But that’s not the only legend told about this area. Another tale says a train derailed and crashed into a house here, killing the residents except for an old man and his demon dog, who haunt the place to this day. Devil worshippers, mental hospitals, murders and killer fake cops are also told about in these parts. A movie called “Munger Road” has brought many sightseers to the area, but police say none of the events portrayed in the film are factual.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Munger Road
Wayne, IL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.964500846534264, -88.22286969436391
- County:
- DuPage County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Wayne, IL (1.4 mi.)
Bartlett, IL (2.8 mi.)
South Elgin, IL (4.1 mi.)
Hanover Park, IL (4.7 mi.)
Streamwood, IL (4.8 mi.)
Farmington, IL (5.0 mi.)
West Chicago, IL (5.6 mi.)
Saint Charles, IL (5.6 mi.)
Carol Stream, IL (5.8 mi.)
Elgin, IL (5.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
About 14 years ago, when the farm house north of the tracks was ready to be demolished, a friend and I stopped and parked by the soon to be demolished farm house. After a few minutes, the crossing lights came on and we heard a train approaching. Suddenly, when the train should have appeared by the trees next to the crossing, all went quiet and the crossing lights turned off.
I have been there as a kid,there was this creepy old man who live in a shack just 100 foot south of the infamous railroad friends and I found a satanic site by the railroad tracks with pentagrams spraypainted on huge boulders and a homemade coffin with bones in it and around ,we put the coffin in the trunk of my friend insane duanes car and a police officer stopped us right by the tracks and thought we were full of sh@t we told him lets go look at the satanic site and he was like that wont be neccessary,it kinda seemed like the old man and the cop knew each other it was a very weird experience indeed.
Worked for the forest preserve next to the tracks for a few summers and the preserve next to it has had a lot of suicides in it so me and a few coworkers who were there for the summer also decided to check this place out one night. While we didn’t get the fingerprints, we did hear the train (got louder and louder but no physical train showed up). We also heard children’s voices along with intense rustling of the trees nearby
Which forest preserve? Pratt Wayne woods or the one that spans all of munger road?
I’m not sure if this is where it happen but if it is I can give u the name of the officer and the real story about what might be happening here. Officer James Jobe was my grandfather he passed right after I was born in December. On his way to a call his car stalled over a set of tracks which u can see this is true if u look up des plaines illinois officer james jobe. From the story my mom told and others in family the train hit so hard it left a in pression of his face in the glass. Two weeks later he dead do to accident. I haven’t been able to find the paper that took the pic of the supposed face. But maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. I’m with a paranormal group on Facebook and was looking into a theory I had. If u find something of interest plz look me up at angela carol owens on Facebook
Tonight a little after midnight, I decided to show my friend the legendary munger road. As we got closer to the tracks, we saw a car coming the opposite way and the lights were coming towards us right before a hill. We saw the car coming as it disappeared and waiting for it to come back when it was supposed to be on top of the hill. As we got closer, we were met with nothing but darkness. No car ever came past us, the car disappeared into thin air. As me and my friend freaked out that the car disappeared, we decided to make a u turn and cross over the tracks again. As we got closer to the tracks, yet again we saw a car coming towards us right before a hill but we knew this time the car would appear again at the top of the hill. Yet again the car disappeared into thin air As we came closer to the tracks and saw nothing.
I would NOT recommend checking this place out at night — not because of anything paranormal, though. Went with my friends, and as we walked westward down the tracks, all of my friends except for me (I’m kind of night-blind) felt like they were being watched. Turns out we WERE being watched: some coyotes were stalking us in the woods on either side of the tracks. So we tip-toed out of there. We also heard what may have sounded like children whispering, but we think that might have been crackling from the power-lines that run parallel to the tracks.
middle of the day july 4th 1997 i took a walk with my cousin and got stopped by a very strange looking dude cliaming to be either a cop or security guard he looked like he was from the 60s thick glasses leather boots up to his knees as we came back from a restricted area we crossed where there was this huge iron gallow in concrete in a tractor tire he wanted to know what we were doing we told him nothing he said okay just dont ever go back there again this was middle of the day 4th of july 1997 or so and this guy looked out of place he was driving a old vw van this guy looked like he lived back there he was only in his late 20s im more creeped out now thinking about it this was my cousins only trip and he got a story to tell who or what was that i dont know
I was walking on the Prairie Path (which is near Munger Road) with my friend about a month ago and there’s this marker that was the “10 mile mark” about a minute after we passed it, way up ahead on the path we saw the shape of a person, completely black, standing way ahead of us on the path. At first we didn’t think much about it. But then I noticed after a few minutes it hadn’t moved. I looked away for a second and looked back to see it just step right off the path into the woods. We were kind of creeped out but still walking. Then after a few minutes of debating whether we should turn back, we looked back at the path to see the shadowy figure step onto the path again, much closer now. My friend and I ran back to her house. It was so scary. After about a week, we decided to go back and see if the figure was still there. And it was, except this time there were three of them. Just standing on the path. Again, right after we reached the 10 mile marker. Another day we came back with another one of our friends and again, three of the figures were there. And just a few days ago my sister was driving home at night and saw a shadowy figure in the shape of a person “glide” across the road in front of her. These figures are NOT just tree branches or people. I don’t know what they are, but there’s something wrong with that path, I don’t walk on it anymore.
Went to Munger road after watching that movie on netflix… my kids and I like paranormal things… been to many around illinois… the only scary thing was we got stopped by a cop and after explaining to him we were curious he called my friend and my kids and I stupid and get out of here… we were there for almost an hour walking tracks sitting on tracks etc…. no paranormal anything
I want to go to there tonight. 20 min drive. It’s very convenient, just where to hide the car!
I’m up for spooks today, bring ’em on.
Already baptized near death in Brewster creek marshes and swamps this summer.
Ready to meet otherworldly challenges.
Me and my two friends went here. I live about 5 miles from here and me and him were bored so we said why not try it. So we went. And parked the car on the tracks..nothing happened then we put it in neutral.. nothing so I decided to get my friend to come outside with me and just walk around.. and that is where I messed up.. once we didint see anything we got in the car only to see a bunch of tiny footprints on his window!! So we freak out and head to Walmart to get some stuff to eat and he’s bitching about his back.. so I tell him let me see if you got bit by a bug.. I lift up his shirt and there was 5 long finger nail gashes In his back!!!! I couldn’t believe he won’t go near that place anymore.
I went there and heard people yelling people might call bullshit but I swear it was so scary i heard kids yelling and I felt a depressing ass mood its a once in a lifetime thing it was cool tho tbh
Another popular thing here is if you put your car in neutral in the middle of the railroad tracks, the car will be pushed off the tracks. People also put baby powder on the bumper of their car and do this and claim have small hand prints on their bumper, the story with this is that the kids from the school bus accident push you off the tracks because they don’t want the same thing that happened to them to happen to you
My friends and I use to go there when we were teenagers (late 90s). We had heard a story about how you will have handprints on your car if you kill the engine on the train tracks. Somethings about the kids trying to push the car off the tracks. We tried it and sure as shit when we stopped at the gas station immediately after leaving there were handprints along the rear end of my 87 Buick Regal. It was a dirt road with a lot of dust back then so I think it is entirely possible that this was simply dust that adhered to the oils from my hands on the car, forming handprints, but they definitely weren’t only on the trunk or other obvious places on the car. Creepy fun either way.
Follow by pick up truck with it lights off then fashing them back it a very old looking pick up 2am he would come out no where soon as get too point the truck would vanish