It just wouldn’t be a haunted inn without a famous ghost, and this delightful historic bed and breakfast is allegedly haunted by Buffalo Bill, where he stayed the night on several occasions. In Room #001 (River Song Room), a curious apparition has been reported. Guests have reported seeing a shadowy figure seated at the end of their bed, and objects and furniture are frequently rearranged by an unseen presence. In Room #005 (Rosemal Room), a spook has been known to play with the lights and open and close doors. In Room #007 (Garden Room), the apparition of a ghostly child bouncing a ball has been reported by guests. Others claim to have heard ghostly laughter and singing emanating from this room. In the main lobby and dining room, staff and guests alike have reported the apparition of a lady in a white dress, who is apparently displeased with the hotel and had been heard sobbing and sighing. Where Buffalo Bill fits into the list of spooks that haunt this inn is as of yet unclear.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 101 Parkway Avenue
Lanesboro, MN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.72106142320114, -91.97725805641312
- County:
- Fillmore County, Minnesota
- Nearest Towns:
- Lanesboro, MN (0.0 mi.)
Whalan, MN (2.6 mi.)
Preston, MN (6.4 mi.)
Fountain, MN (8.0 mi.)
Peterson, MN (8.4 mi.)
Rushford Village, MN (11.0 mi.)
Harmony, MN (11.6 mi.)
Rushford, MN (12.7 mi.)
Canton, MN (13.4 mi.)
Chatfield, MN (13.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I grew up in Lanesboro, MN. My sister was once a housekeeper at Mrs. B’s. She had told me, she would often see an elderly lady in a number of rooms. She would let housekeeping in and remain in the room. She was polite. Soft spoken. However, she had not mentioned her name. Well, my sister had to know. This sweet lady was talkative, yet flour white. There was no housekeeping needed, just a little dusting. However, when checking the guest roster, the room was registered as “vacant.”
Buffalo Bill was a friend of the man who ran a business in the basement of Mrs. B’s back in the day. He stayed in one of the rooms upstairs.