Mount Carmel Cemetery

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This cemetery is said to be haunted by the ghost of Julia Buccola Petta. One family of visitors claim that, upon noticing their small boy was missing, they retraced their steps to find him hand in hand with a lady in a white gown. When they came closer, she disappeared.

Al Capone is also buried here.

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    Geographic Information

    Mount Carmel Cemetery
    Hillside, IL
    United States

    Get Directions »
    41.8671553, -87.907736
    Cook County, Illinois
    Nearest Towns:
    Hillside, IL (0.8 mi.)
    Berkeley, IL (1.5 mi.)
    Bellwood, IL (1.6 mi.)
    Westchester, IL (1.8 mi.)
    Oak Brook, IL (2.6 mi.)
    Elmhurst, IL (2.8 mi.)
    Broadview, IL (2.8 mi.)
    Stone Park, IL (2.9 mi.)
    Oakbrook Terrace, IL (3.2 mi.)
    La Grange Park, IL (3.3 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. A friend saw Julia, in her wedding gown, walking alongside a creek that travels under Roosevelt Road west of what is now a soul food restaurant. It was a crisp Halloween night, and she looked deep in thought. She was not walking actually, he believes now, but floating. I had my own experience in the 1970s when a neighbor and I went into the cemetery to visit Julia and her unique memorial. As we walked up it was like someone had thrown a gigantic bouquet of roses into our faces. It was startling and very pronounced. I also spoke with a young man who drove by the cemetery another Halloween night and there was Julia by the side of the road across Harrison Street from the cemetery in her evening gown.

    2. In the fall of 1991 when I was 18, my girlfriend , her sister , her boyfriend and I upon being told that he had previously witnessed this ghost here, drove there. I didn’t expect to see anything at all but I was a little excited at listening to his story as we all were. We drove south on Wolf rd. and turned right (west) onto Harrison st. We drove about a half mile down and saw on the left the cemetery gates and on the right a row of apartment buildings. I drove past and did a U-turn and parked on the side of the road , the cemetery side. We were about 20 feet from the entrance and just across the street was an apartment building an alley type entrance to the rear parking lot. Opposite the alley was a normal house , we were closer to the house. We joked about seeing a ghost wandering in the cemetery and we were all looking that way but we felt foolish because their was a man sitting on the front outside step of the apartment smoking a cigarette maybe twenty feet from us and the car windows were opened. We weren’t there for 5 min. when coming out of the alley floating about 3-4 inches of the ground was the most perfect , glowing woman I’ve ever seen. None of us could believe it! She was maybe 5,8 or 9 ,125lbs. She had on a glowing white full length wedding gown and was barefoot, straight ,pitch black hair tied in some sort of French braid to the mid of her back. Not one hair was out of place , she looked perfect and beautiful and I could not believe what I was seeing! When I said her gown was glowing that is an understatement , I can’t even describe it , she lit up like a light bulb so to say. I thought for sure someone was screwing with us with an elaborate hoax , it was just so perfect . She glided , off the ground out of the alley , past the sidewalk , past the guy sitting right there to the street. She then turned and kept looking east down the street the opposite direction from my car. The guy sitting there never even glanced at her, he never saw her. Full apparition , solid body and he was less than 6 feet from her. She kept glancing down the street , but never looked at us and I was probably only 10 feet away from her. She was there for at least a full minute or two, then turned around and glided , off the ground back into the alley. My car was still running so I put it into gear and pulled up to see her go down the alley —-she was gone , no trace , no sign, like it never happened. I drove around the apt. and streets for awhile trying to catch a glimpse or someone screwing around. Nothing. Everybody in the car was freaking out so we left . Came back many times over the years with cameras but never saw her again. Never saw another ghost either after that but effects me to this day. Quite remarkable. I also did not know anything about this until I got a computer many years later and started searching for others that might have seen her. Thanks for reading. All true with witnesses.

    3. I have family buried at My Carmel and I go there quite often, I’ve seen her wander the grounds a few times, smelled roses each time I’ve seen her.
      But the fact that Al Capone being buried there, it’s just a headstone. He’s buried in Florida so grave robbers wouldn’t steal from him.
      Also, Queen of Heaven, across Roosevelt from Mt Carmel, has a cross that is believed to heal.

    4. i think it is really haunted and one time i went to Galena with my dad and my grandma and we went to this ghost tour at 8 to 9 at night and i used a tool to find a little girl and her family and i heard the little girl say ” come play with me”. I was creeped out a little but it was really cool to do something like that before. And also in Galena and I went restaurant with my dad and grandma it was about 10 to 11 at night and when we were about to drive back to our hotel room until i was on the top of this building and i saw a horse thing and when i turned around it was gone :0. I was shocked

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