Near Moon Lake is reportedly a Chief’s Circle. Witnesses describe what look like fireflies in sets of two that stay close to the ground, whoops and howls. The lights are rumored to be the eyes of braves’ spirits protecting the area.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Moon Lake
Fort Riley, KS
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.074028, -96.80328370000001
- County:
- Geary County, Kansas
- Nearest Towns:
- Fort Riley North, KS (2.6 mi.)
Grandview Plaza, KS (3.2 mi.)
Junction City, KS (3.5 mi.)
Ogden, KS (5.8 mi.)
Milford, KS (8.8 mi.)
Chapman, KS (13.7 mi.)
Wakefield, KS (14.5 mi.)
Manhattan, KS (14.5 mi.)
Riley, KS (15.6 mi.)
Dwight, KS (19.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Ahhh, the “legendary” ghosts of Moon Lake at Fort Riley, KS. Been stationed at or living near Fort Riley for 20+ years now. Never heard the story of the “chief’s circle” of rocks until I read a local booklet about haunted places on Fort Riley. Moon Lake is in that booklet.
Have been to Moon Lake numerous times to do some fishing. Never had any experiences other than sun burn and catching sticks. It is a good place for picnics, unit functions, fishing, hiking, and physical fitness training.
However, in the 1990s, a soldier was found murdered at Moon Lake. Supposedly, his body was found hog-tied, throat cut, tongue pulled out of his throat, and a broomstick rammed up his buttocks area. My unit, a Combat Engineer unit, was out on field exercises. We were ordered to cease training and to bring our mine detectors, which are good for finding metallic objects, and spent 3 days searching the area for any evidence of the murder. Never found anything.
Recently, roughly 2-3 years ago as of this writing, a body dead body was found in Moon Lake. A soldier was there fishing and snagged something. Forget most of the story, but the soldier ventured into the lake and discovered a sunken car. Post authorities were notified. The car was pulled out of the lake, and a dead body was found inside. Moon Lake was totally drained for the summer and thoroughly searched for other bodies, evidence, etc. Turns out that the dead body was a cold-case missing person from the Topeka, KS, area that had been missing for about 10 years or so. The lake has been refilled with water.
I have been to the site of the “legendary” circle of rocks and have never experienced anything.
I was seven years old and lived in a trailer park.I was attacked in the bathroom and scarred to bath because I felt like I was being watched.I started soiling in my bedroom and tried to hide it from my mother,because i was terrified of what was in there.
I’ve been to that place many times, when my husband was stationed there, and only once did I experience anything odd. Evening, though not dark, and we were walking around a little area with some higher grass, and little cleared spaces for people to fish. I was looking for herons, maybe, or ducks, to capture on video. Instead, I heard a very odd sound, that I could never identify. Something low, and repeated, not really a hoot or a growl, and not like a frog, but low like those. I’ve heard big bull frogs, and plenty of owls, and this was neither of those. Never could pin down the sound, couldn’t see anything at al, and eventually it stopped. No idea what it was. Sounded more like some larger animal, really, than anything else, but no animals I know of that should be there sound anything like it. Paranormal? I don’t know, but it was strange.