This used to be a B&B and it was the subject of a documentary done by a psychic (who is apparently also an actress and “media personality”). Supposedly the land that this house was on was once Indian tribal land and in the documentary they claim they found loads of old bones on the site (I am surprised that didn’t hold up construction). There is also no real explanation why, if as is alleged, thousands of people died on this land the hauntings are all confined to this specific one-tenth of an acre in the subdivision and doesn’t extend to any of the houses on either side, but in any event, this place is alleged to be haunted by tribal ghosts who died from disease brought to them when white settlers first arrived.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- S 1st St
Kalama, WA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 46.0069423, -122.8440195
- County:
- Cowlitz County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Kalama, WA (0.1 mi.)
Prescott, OR (3.6 mi.)
Deer Island, OR (5.2 mi.)
Rainier, OR (7.2 mi.)
Columbia City, OR (8.3 mi.)
Woodland, WA (8.6 mi.)
Saint Helens, OR (10.0 mi.)
Longview, WA (10.1 mi.)
Kelso, WA (10.1 mi.)
West Side Highway, WA (12.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My friend lives in that house and she says its not haunted!!!!
You’re friend is right?…
I highly doubt your friend lives there
I was one of the investigator who spent 4 days and 3 nights in the house while filming a Documenrty. The house did have its share of strange anomalies. On the Third day of our filming Chief Roy Wilson from the local Native American tribe, did a releasing of the souls ceremony. Chief Roy is also the Shaman for the tribe. I don’t believe any spirits remain, but if they do, it’s because they feel at home there.
That’s not true. There IS another building down from the Montgomery home at a wide parking lot off 1st main, that is indeed haunted with serious paranormal activity going on. Brightest orb and physicaly attacked me every single night, sometimes twice. She tried to possess my body, and choke my airways in my sleep the entire time I lived there in those apartments. Where the old theater used to be years ago. But she goes back many many years back because shes looks like a witch with stringy hair. Her bright orbs are a blinding like led brightness on a sunny day. Yup, and during the day. Anyone who is a professional paranormalist and communicate with the dead will have absolute no problem finder her on a night #1. She’s very powerful and very willing to disturb you. Aggressive and determined. She was a human. Not demon. So that’s good! But yes there is more than what people a not willing to be open about in Kalama Wa because nobody what’s to believe or attract unwanted activity perhaps but the history holds more than just tribes there. But that angry spirit won’t be quiet for you.