Mission Santa Barbara

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Mission Santa Barbara, established in 1786, has a graveyard that is the burial site of over 5,000 pioneers and Native Americans. Various apparitions have been seen roaming here.

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Geographic Information

2201 Laguna St
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
United States

Get Directions »
34.437773, -119.71400800000004
Santa Barbara County, California
Nearest Towns:
Mission Canyon, CA (0.9 mi.)
Santa Barbara, CA (1.5 mi.)
Montecito, CA (4.7 mi.)
Goleta, CA (6.5 mi.)
Summerland, CA (6.8 mi.)
Toro Canyon, CA (8.5 mi.)
Isla Vista, CA (8.5 mi.)
Carpinteria, CA (11.5 mi.)
Oak View, CA (23.7 mi.)
Santa Ynez, CA (24.1 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. William Burton  |  

    My last name is Burton, and I have visited the Mission many times. When I was a young boy I was on a trip to Santa Barbara with my parents. We went to the mission. My parents were in the museum and I was exploring the grave area behind the mission. I was approached by a native American looking woman. She said I know you. I heard her voice but her mouth didn’t move. She walked over to the wall of the mission directly below a strange carving of a skull on the mission wall. She pointed down and then disappeared. I looked down and saw a grave. The name on the grave was Tomasa Burton. I have never forgotten this experience and when ever I visit the mission I pay my respects and get a feeling of elation and peace.

  2. Everyone that grew up here knows the story of the Spanish soldier one of the bell towers. After dusk you will see him looking down preparing to jump. People that drive pass the mission at night see him jump, others look away for a moment and seeing him gone.

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