Mile High Grill and Inn - Clinkscale Building

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The 1899 eight bedroom historic inn is haunted by numerous apparitions. The Clinkscale Building was previously a brothel, which was burnt down in a fire, and the inn was built directly over the top of the old building. The ghost of Madam Jennie Banter moves furniture around and helps around the inn. Her cat has also been sighted on several occasions, and they are both known as friendly presences within the hotel. The ghost of an elderly man in late nineteenth-century work clothes has been seen looking out into the street from both outside and inside the inn, but he is regarded as a friendly presence also. The ghost of a shadowy, unfriendly presence has been seen in the restaurant and in the rooms of guests. Strange music, voices and disembodied footsteps have also been heard.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

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Geographic Information

309 Main Street
Jerome, AZ
United States

Get Directions »
34.7504312, -112.11591870000001
Yavapai County, Arizona
Nearest Towns:
Jerome, AZ (0.2 mi.)
Clarkdale, AZ (3.6 mi.)
Cottonwood, AZ (6.1 mi.)
Verde Village, AZ (6.5 mi.)
Cornville, AZ (11.3 mi.)
Prescott Valley, AZ (16.3 mi.)
Dewey-Humboldt, AZ (16.8 mi.)
Chino Valley, AZ (19.2 mi.)
West Sedona, AZ (19.4 mi.)
Camp Verde, AZ (19.7 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (5)

  1. Teresa Bradley  |  

    I stayed here back in March, 2003, when it was “The Inn at Jerome.” As it turned out, I was the only one who booked for the three nights I was there. Everyone would go home around 5PM and I was alone through the night. The third evening I was there, I was talking on the telephone they had there, looking at the mirror in front of me which reflected the hall in back of me that led to the bedrooms. At that point, I wasn’t thinking of hauntings. All the sudden, I saw a shadowy figure walking down the hall behind me. I was the only one in the buidling–everything was locked up.
    I slept with all the lights and the TV on, I can tell you. I’ve been back twice with my husband and have not experienced anything else, although the new owners and the people who work there have their own tales to tell.

  2. I stayed in the Victorian Rose room in March, 2021. During the night, I felt something moving across my feet and on the end of the bed. Maybe one of Jennie’s cats?

  3. I stayed in the Victorian Rose room in March, 2021. During the night, I felt something moving across my feet and on the end of the bed. Maybe Jennie’s cat?

  4.  |  

    We stayed there this weekend on Sunday night. I didn’t sleep well and keeps hearing noice like it was raining outside the whole night(it hadn’t rained). I had crazy dreams and even heard women outside the door, (I think there were only couples staying there).

  5. We stayed last Sunday night and didn’t sleep well. Had very strange dreams and heard women’s voices in the night giggling (there we couples staying there). I thought it had rained all evening but the next morning all dry. I felt like I was talking to my husband but he said he didn’t hear anything!

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