Midlothian Turnpike

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Drivers on the turnpike have reported phantom cars and trucks that appear suddenly, causing the drivers to swerve. Phantom gang activity also has been seen, involving car chases full of gangsters shooting at each other with tommy guns. Some drivers have collided with the ghostly vehicles, even hearing shattered glass and tearing metal. But when they got out of the car, they were startled to find the other vehicle gone and no damage to their own. What’s driving these phantoms mad? Some say the reason is that the turnpike runs through the very haunted Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery.

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Geographic Information

Midlothian and Central
Chicago, IL
United States

Get Directions »
41.63259874260906, -87.76532507152297
Cook County, Illinois
Nearest Towns:
Crestwood, IL (2.1 mi.)
Oak Forest, IL (2.3 mi.)
Midlothian, IL (2.5 mi.)
Alsip, IL (2.9 mi.)
Palos Heights, IL (2.9 mi.)
Robbins, IL (3.3 mi.)
Palos Park, IL (4.1 mi.)
Tinley Park, IL (4.2 mi.)
Worth, IL (4.3 mi.)
Posen, IL (4.3 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I stayed at Southwown Inn in Markham Ill. And while I was there a ghost was in my room while me and friend were taking selfish he hit the button on my phone and caught his hand in the pic.

  2. Back in the early 80s, l drove from Riverdale to Crestwood on 138th St. and came upon an old guy at an intersection near a junkyard. He was driving a fifties car, and was wearing suspenders over his shirt and a fedora. I slowed down to let him turn, even waved him on, and he just sat there at the stop sign, so l went by. I was a little peeved he didn’t even acknowledge me. When l looked in my rearview mirror to see if he finally decided to go, he was gone. It gave me the willies, and l mentioned it later to my grandmother. She laughed and said, maybe it was a ghost. Funny. I have since read of sightings of old cars that just disappeared along this stretch of road.

  3. I was on my way home from working at Fox’s Pub one night and was heading East to my home in Crestwood. Now, I have had experiences from Bachelors grove a few times but this incident was a first and I thought I lost my mind. For what I experienced I never heard happening before until after I started to tell my friends.

    Now this road originally was a single lane going each way. It has evolved into 2 lanes going each way. I left work and was driving East on the turnpike from Orland Park. I was in the left lane driving when I past Ridgeland Ave. As I was crossing the intersection a black car with bright round lights turned from Ridgeland onto the turnpike going East right as I was driving by. If I was on the right side of the street, I would have hit the car. I was like omg, that person needs to watch out. I look over and it is not there. I look behind me and it was not there. I saw no headlights or tail lights. I even stopped to look behind me. If you drive this you know it is pitch dark and no where to go. I was flipping out because it just vanished. This was before social media so all I could do was call my friends when I got home.

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