Hotel Oregon is located in a building that opened in 1905 as Hotel Elberton. It was renovated in 1998 and hosts an annual UFO convention, and it is decorated with relics of the building’s history and the town’s famous 1950 UFO sighting. To top it all off, the hotel also has a ghost. Nicknamed John, the ghost is thought to be a former long-term resident. Cold spots have been reported on the hotel’s first and second floors as well as in the cellar bar.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 310 NE Evans St
McMinnville, OR 97128
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.2102077, -123.19427840000003
- County:
- Yamhill County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- McMinnville, OR (0.2 mi.)
Lafayette, OR (4.5 mi.)
Dayton, OR (5.8 mi.)
Carlton, OR (5.9 mi.)
Amity, OR (6.6 mi.)
Yamhill, OR (9.1 mi.)
Dundee, OR (10.1 mi.)
Saint Paul, OR (10.6 mi.)
Sheridan, OR (12.4 mi.)
Newberg, OR (12.4 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
this seems true, i work here and when on the 2nd floor its seems vert strange, and like you can feel another person there, having creepy ass paintings dont help either, many employee’s have said they felt something touching them and turn around and nothing is there, and hearing things, stuff being messed up when no other person has been around, also i was in the basement and felt something right in front of my face. The elevator is also pose to be haunted by “The elevator man” ive had no experiences in the elevator so i cant speak for that. theres another ghost that haunts the place there called the white twins, theres paintings of them and a room named after them, i dont know… creep stuff has happend here and just feeling creepy things in this hotel has lead me to think its really haunted.
Who would i ask to come in to possibly to a investigation. We would love to come in to do it.
I live in mac so i dont really have a reason to stay at the hotel. However, i used to visit here
With my friends since it was so creepy. I have never heard of the elevator thing but when me and my friend went on the elevator and pressed the button for the rooftop it took us the the cellar bar instead. Keep in mind we are under 18 so when the door opened a guy questioned us on why we were down there, and we had to explain the whole elevator not working thing.
I’d love to know more about the history of Hotel Oregon. A year or so ago my husband booked us a night in this hotel. We stayed in a room that had it’s own bathroom. I can’t remember what the room number was or even what floor it was on. I just remember going up to our room and the whole time I just felt overwhelmed by something. We got to our room and I just started bawling. I’m not the kind of person who just breaks down and cries like that. I wonder if there could have been a spirit present that might have been making me feel this way. We ended up leaving and staying the night somewhere else. Does anyone know more about the history of this hotel? All I can find is that they have a ghost named “John”, but I’m wondering if there aren’t more spirits there.
A few years back my girlfriend and i stayed the night. She woke up at some point during to find a man dressed in black with a black western hat on, standing over our bed. It didn’t seem to scare her, in fact she did not mention it to me tell the next morning when we went to check out. She described the situation to the front desk and the women checking us out simply acknowledged her statement and said she’s heard that story before. Can’t remember which room number it was…
Back in 2000, I toured the hotel with my sister, going from room to room and going down the staircase and back up…..There is definitely a couple of presences hanging out. I am a well known psychic (locally) and I stopped at each door, to “feel” the energy. Room #202 was the most energized….the door actually felt hot. There was an extreme sharp pain that ran down my leg when I went down the stairs…apparently there was a man who was shot by a gun in the stairwell many years ago.
I have been to the hotel for lunch three times now and each time I feel something.
The first time I went there, I went to the bathroom and on the way I seen a man, that I thought was going to the bathroom also, but instead he disappeared right in front of me.
About 2002 we rented a room turning left coming out of the elevator at the corner of the 2nd or 3rd floor. The next morning I left the room and walked to the elevator 50 ft away. Maids were moving cleaning equipment out so the door to elevator closed before I could get in. I pushed the down button again then realized I forgot my camera so walked back to my room door but couldn’t open it without a lot of force because the bed was pushed up against it. I was puzzled because the 5 minutes I was at the elevator clearly in view of my door it hadn’t been touched. When I got the camera and went downstairs waiting for my wife to get back from her walk I picked up a hotel brochure and it had the story of John roaming the hotel.
I do not believe in ghost, but I had to get the hell out of this place. The entire time I was there I felt like someone was watching me. I was laying in bed and rolled over to see this picture on the wall of Ollie. I was staying in her bedroom. I’m a grown man and don’t scare that easily. But this was different. I felt like I was just being pushed out.
I stayed one night in this exact room. I believe it was room 206. I am also not particularly inclined to believe in ghosts, but this room was unsettling from the time that I walked in. The drawings and sketching of Ollie on the wall was creepy enough that I didn’t particularly want to look at her. I got absolutely no sleep the entire night. I realize this is an old hotel and there are sounds and creaking noises so those don’t generally bother me. In the middle of the night I did hear a loud bang from the closed closet that was very startling. I did my best to fall asleep but that never happened. At first light I got up, checked out and left. Actually the creepiest night of my life. I would not likely go back.
I’m an ex McMenamin’s Hotel Oregon employee from way back in 2000-2001. I bartended in the rooftop bar for some time and
really enjoyed it. You get a certain amount of freedom up there as it is isolated from the rest of the operation. It’s also
everyone’s favorite spot when the weather finally gets nice, and people are always in good spirits up there. One particularly
hot Saturday evening, I had finally completed my shift (we were allowed to stay open til 1am, by far the latest hours of any
part of the property) and having just completed my register count, with a pocket full of tip money, I hurried down to the
cellar bar office to make my cash drop. This is something I had done at least a hundred times before, but was always just a
tiny bit creaped out by the vibe of the cellar. However, it had been so hot that day, that I welcomed the cooler air temp and
quickly opened the door to the tiny corner office where the drop safe was kept. The little steel (maybe 2 cubic feet in size)
drop safe was just to the right of the entry door. It’s got a cylinder with a slit in it that you drop your cash bag in, then
spin to securely keep your drop in the safe. After about three seconds in my commotion to get the hell out of there so I can make last call
at the Deluxe Tavern, just down the street, I notice that the heavy steel cylinder is spinning. Spinning very fast. I start
to process the facts: I’m by far the last staffer to leave for the evening. Even if someone was hiding in the tiny office,
there’s no way to make that heavy piece of steel spin for more than maybe two seconds. It’s just too heavy. As I start to
panic while deciding to forego the normal signing of the drop list and run the hell out of there, I notice that it’s e
xtremely cold in there. I’m talking fifty degrees. The rooftop was at least 80, and the cellar was in the low seventies but
felt relatively cool. It was ice cold in that office. By now, the cylinder has stopped spinning. My heart is beating out of my chest
I shakily jam the cash bag into the cylinder and give it a spin as I simultaneously fumble for the doorknob. Suddenly, I hear
the radio that’s on the desk behind me start blaring out swing music at full volume. I open the door, screaming at the top of
my lungs and it bumps my forehead as I sprint out of there, up the cellar stairs, thru the lobby and run screaming out onto
Evans Street. This gives me goosebumps as I write this. I have never had any paranormal experiences up to that moment, nor
have I since. I’m not a believer in ghost stories in general, but after that night, I have no doubt that The Hotel Oregon
has active spirits and they are quite mischievous. Not to mention, that whole little area around Third Street in McMinnville
is very creepy. I’ve heard dozens of stories, and after my experience am convinced that some of them are true.
I think a woman hangs out on the 2nd floor hallway and in the women’s restroom on that floor. There is also something close to the elevator in the cellar bar, didn’t like the vibe down there. I think it is a man.