A portrait of an apparition seen by many employees is on prominent display in the 1922 Grand Lodge. The ghost is a white-haired woman in a print dress and slippers. One report says she bears a strong resemblence to Anna, a woman who lived in the building for many years and died just shy of her 100th birthday.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 3505 Pacific Ave
Forest Grove, OR 97116
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.5214282, -123.08609960000001
- County:
- Washington County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Forest Grove, OR (1.2 mi.)
Cornelius, OR (1.3 mi.)
Hillsboro, OR (4.7 mi.)
Gaston, OR (6.4 mi.)
Banks, OR (6.9 mi.)
North Plains, OR (6.9 mi.)
Rockcreek, OR (10.3 mi.)
Aloha, OR (10.8 mi.)
Bethany, OR (10.9 mi.)
Oak Hills, OR (11.9 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.mcmenamins.com/GrandLodge

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Around 2003 I was in the basement exploring when I started feeling uncomfortably anxious. The anxiety grew for several minutes as I slowly felt the presence of an angry male spirit. I then felt my hair being pulled upwards. I ran up the stairs fast and refused to go back downstairs, mystifying my partner who was left down there. He never felt a thing. Later I read up on this location and discovered similar reports, I believe it was from a book called Haunted Oregon, or some similar title.
We had just gotten out of the soaking pool and were in the downstairs area waiting for friends to come out of the dressing rooms. It was afternoon, around 4 or 5 pm, there were other people there at the stair well with us, people we did not know. We were all hanging out and my daughter says, “Mom, theres a shadow moving back and forth down by the other end of the hall.” (By the Dr’s Office). So I looked that direction and saw a dark shape pacing back and forth from the Door to the Dr’s Office back to the hallway by the bathrooms and other rooms and back again. It looked like a person but I couldnt make out any facial features other than it looked male and had on dark clothing. A couple standing with us walked down towards that end of the hall and it was then I noticed that I could see there features clearly but not the shadowy persons. The shadowy person stood by the bench and sat down. The couple continued moving slowly towards that end of the hall and the shadowy person stood up and went into the Dr’s Office door becoming more and more transparent. The couple came back down to us (after only making it down the hall about half way) and were like “That wasnt a person.” My daughter got frightened and we waited long enough for our friends to finish dressing and went straight upstairs to talk to staff. Staff said that they have heard those reports before and that they feel the “spirit” is friendly and just watching out for the place. Since having this experience last year we have seen this apparition several times when visiting the soaking pools or the pool room downstairs.
I saw an aperishion in the doors next to the desk were you check in in simalar attire and I liked the manager the old man walked down the hall next to the bathrooms on the man floor to the conference room I went down all the way and when I walked into the conference room it was empty nobody there but his out fit was dark pants dark suit white shirt I wasn’t scared just puzzled I actually saw a ghost of old 1900s early 1900s the room was peaceful were he went
Yes, spirits still reside here. I have not experienced energies other than warm and welcoming on my stays. Report above about hair being pulled aside (not doubting credibility per se, but more that such an experience would seem undoubtedly negative in it’s energy and intention), different people will feel presences of spiritual energy differently depending on how “tuned in” they are and how comfortable or unsettled they feel upon contacting residual presences at all.
Many, and dare I say most people would be understandably frightened when encountering undeniable contact with spirits even if the energy is positive. Let’s all agree, it is an experience that to the uninitiated or to anyone not particularly “open” to such an experience, this would be a logical and reasonable reaction.
Anyway, for sure “haunted” but in the way that any place that just has that instant feel-good kind of warmth when you enter does IMHO.
Beautiful and charming hotel/resort/spa, I feel “Bewitching” to accurately characterize the vibe here.
sitting out side eating lunch. See a man with a child walking away. Man is dressed in 1950’s style biker’s black jacket child is wearing very old fashioned dress. It was not anytime near Halloween, I turned to ask the server if there was a costume party and saw him looking at them too. He looked confused for a second and I turned to look at them again and they had vanished.
Sitting in the restaurant. I’m someone who tends to be warmer than others and not need any kind of jacket. But on a warm summer day, eating lunch with an older couple from church they needed their sweaters/jackets as the elderly sometimes do. I was warm. the light above us flickered, we all noticed. I was suddenly very cold and thought a server with a remarkably cool hand touched my upper arm, I looked but no one was there.
To be fair I am someone who is quite aware of the spirit world and some paranormal phenomenon.
Definitely something going on there. I stopped in earlier this week amd wandered around since I’d never actually been inside. While I was walking down the hall in the basement area I felt an overwhelming sadness. I actually started to tear up. Not sure if anything happened there, but not sure I want to go back.