Maryland Theatre

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The 1915 Maryland Theatre, once a vaudeville and movie house, operated until 1973. In 1974 it caught fire and was rebuilt, and to this day presents cultural offerings to the public. It is believed to be haunted. The daughter of an early manager encountered the ghost of her father here, and witnesses also have heard voices and felt as if they were not quite alone.

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Geographic Information

27 S Potomac St
Hagerstown, MD 21740
United States

Get Directions »
39.6413936, -77.72101350000003
Washington County, Maryland
Nearest Towns:
Hagerstown, MD (0.1 mi.)
Funkstown, MD (2.4 mi.)
Halfway, MD (2.5 mi.)
Paramount-Long Meadow, MD (3.1 mi.)
Fountainhead-Orchard Hills, MD (3.1 mi.)
Robinwood, MD (3.3 mi.)
Robinwood, MD (3.4 mi.)
Maugansville, MD (3.8 mi.)
Chewsville, MD (4.6 mi.)
Cearfoss, MD (5.0 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (7)

  1. First, I’m just curious, does The Maryland Theater keep a “ghost light” burning whenever the theater is empty? If possible identification is ever needed for someone who may be there a very disturbing incident occurred in the early 1990s in the area. It rather seemed like being part of a British mystery drama rather than being real it was so unusual to happen. Across the street from the theater is a parking lot. A car had been abandoned in the lot. After sitting unmoved for an entire week the owner of the parking lot telephoned police to have it towed away. At the same time there was a high profile missing person case. The police decided to investigate the car before towing. When they opened the trunk (in the middle of summer by the way. It was NOT a pretty site I understand) there was the body of the missing person, a homicide. Dozens of individuals had walked by that vehicle, some a dozen times or more, including me, as many of us parked in spaces on the other side of it. That car sat across the street from the theater with the body of the woman (I’m pretty sure it was a woman) for a good week. Who knows what this woman’s spirit may have done.

  2. ive been here before i went to go see a movie its pretty cool i went with my now ex bf and my friends it was pretty cool but we brought a camera and we looked back at the footage of the night vision and we seen a ghost well it looked like it but it ran superfast and in the room it ran in was only for staff.

  3. Naomi Grove Heinrich  |  

    My mother was Mary Patricia Payette Grove who was the daughter of the theatre manager you mentioned. They interviewed her on WHAG television station many years ago. My uncle the son of the manager was a former writer for the Herald Mail paper and the subject he wrote about was the haunting of the Maryland theatre . He stated in the article that if someone was haunting the theatre then it would be his father George N. Payette Jr.He loved his job. He was kind of pushed into retirement reluctantly. My uncle said since his father loved the theatre it was probably him they hear when they hear footsteps coming down the steps. His office was upstairs.The TV station wanted to interview my uncle but he was camera shy so my mom did the interview.She never encountered his ghost. I have fond memories of visiting my grandfather at the theatre as a young child. They had an overnight stay one time atthe theatre and they were going to contact the dead. I wish I would have signed up for that. I hope my grandfather’s spirit is at peace and happy again at the theatre if he is one of the spirits there.

  4. Naomi Grove Heinrich  |  

    It was my mom whose father was the manager of the Maryland theatre. She did not encounter her father at the theatre but she did an interview on the TV station WHAG many years ago at Halloween. Her brother had written an article for the Herald Mail stating that if the Maryland Theatre is haunted then it was probably his father George N. Payette Jr who loved the theatre and would be protective of it. Footsteps coming down the steps can be heard and that could be my grandfather. His office was upstairs. I have fond memories of the Maryland theatre and visiting him at work after school.

  5. I’m a dancer there and last year 2018 the fire alarm went off I was downstairs by myself and saw something walking in the hall I ran up the stairs cause I was so creeped out. Also many of the other girls get weird feelings, and have reported a man up in the balcony. Adults have also reported seeing things. Put at the end of the day if they were evil they would have hurt us. I think they just want to see everyone have a good time.

  6. My uncle died in the fire in the 70’s his name was Authur Dutch Reynolds he cleaned the theatre at nights and fell asleep near the furnace the way he was found

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