This home is infamous among locals of Panama City, Florida. An entire family was allegedly murdered there years ago, and it is now supposed to be haunted by their anguished spirits. The house is owned by the Smurfit Stone Papermill across the street, and is still used by them for corporate meetings from time to time.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 119 Bayou Dr.
Panama City, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.137573116730533, -85.61421141028404
- County:
- Bay County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Parker, FL (0.8 mi.)
Springfield, FL (1.1 mi.)
Cedar Grove, FL (2.4 mi.)
Callaway, FL (2.9 mi.)
Panama City, FL (3.1 mi.)
Tyndall Air Force Base, FL (3.6 mi.)
Hiland Park, FL (4.4 mi.)
Pretty Bayou, FL (6.4 mi.)
Lynn Haven, FL (7.7 mi.)
Upper Grand Lagoon, FL (7.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
The current owner is Rock Tenn. I have seen figures in the windows at night but, you can’t go in there and the road is about a 100 yards away. I have heard that all of the houses around Lake Martin are haunted. Also, Lake Martin (like much of NW Florida) is home to some prehistoric sized alligators.
When I was a young boy me and my friends would sneak in the house through the side kitkitchen door it was alway open,I’ve seen things move inside the house,figures in the windows,me and some friends was playing chase inside and one of my friends I was chasing up stairs went through a window busting it out and fell all the way to the ground from the second floor he said something grabbed him and threw him out of the window,and that’s not all I’ve seen in that house but you get that the house is in no dought haunted, I once saw a pentagram draw it’s self in one of the flood lights on the back of the house and that’s demonic! !!!!!!!!!!!
Not haunted, have been in there many, many times. Was in it over the weekend. I work at the mill and they have owned it for ages and use it for company fuctions. A family named “Martin” NEVER lived there and no one killed their family in the house. It was the original home of the saw mill manager (before the paper mill there was a saw mill). It has been owned by the paper mill since 1932 and no one has lived there since. Just an old house, nothing creepy about it at all and if they would let me live there I would.
Thank you for being sensible. The introduction in the video let me know there were morons in control. Bad film, filthy language, and stupid commentary. It was actually annoying.
You’re a liar. You work for the mill? The mill had a paranormal investigative team come in a few years ago to try and prove that the place wasn’t haunted and dissuade kids from continuing to break in and vandalize the place. They made sure the local news covered the story to get the word out. Here’s the catch… the mill told the crew investigating that even if they found something, they didn’t* find anything. Implying quite heavily that they were to burry any evidence they do find if any and just report no paranormal activity. Which of course they did. However, the team absolutely did find something…
If you willingly admit to working for the mill and think that that somehow adds to your status of credibility, all it tells me is that you’re either a puppet in on the cover up or you believed the lie they’re selling to everyone in town. I don’t know about black eyed ghosts but what I have looks far more sinister. It’s taken from inside the kitchen looking out through the window. Zoom in on the window and check out what’s looking back… have it run through a filter if you want to check its authenticity. I already have. But considering the team that did the investigation does this for the charity of it and never accept payment AND they were told to cover anything up that they did find, it wouldn’t make much sense to fabricate evidence that isn’t supposed to exist in the first place.
I have seen that same figure standing in the kitchen downstairs window. I lived by there behind the bar to be exact and it’s definitely true. There was many of nights I would go drive by there and watch. It’s also been a little boy figure I seen standing upstairs in the window. A Panama City sherriff officer has been called to that house many of times and said he went in one time and refused to ever go back in. That was 12 years ago and we lived there 9 years prior.
I thought this might the story might be BS. I lived in Panama City for six years and NEVER heard of the “Martin House” being haunted.
Looking for a photo circa mid 1980’s.
Been inside many times for functions in the 70’s & 80’s.
Went there one night in 1986 with friends. That is when I came face to face with, and gained a whole new respect for spirits. I was truly ashamed of trespassing that night, not to mention as freaked out as whoever that spirit was when he realized I could see him. My friends and I took off around the house, while we heard someone inside running across and up the stairs.
As we rounded the corner out front, the upstairs balcony door opened and slammed shut, but there was nothing there.
Ever since that night, I try to discourage folks from disrespecting both private property and the dead.
I am a mill employee. I work with someone that has worked here for 33 years. We go in every night, multiple times to secure the premises. He has even spent the night there. Never seen any paranormal activity. He was there for the “investigation” you are referencing, and everything you are saying about a cover up, he completely laughs at. For all who aren’t aware, the Martin House is under video/audio/motion surveillance and there is a very aggressive alarm system. The mill does press charges for all who break and enter. Smile!
People, just because you stayed there and didn’t feel anything, doesn’t mean no activity. I stayed at two hotels recently “rumored” to be haunted. Front desk said no. Both hotels I brought down evidence. Class A EVPS’s, K2 sessions to the front desk. They were amazed. When you get the gear out, you will know.
To quote Orson Welles, “Ignorance is really the highest authority”, isn’t it? One cannot truthfully say that a place is not haunted simply because he/she has not personally had a paranormal experience there. I saw a woman in an upstairs window once when attending an evening event at the Martin House, when everyone was either downstairs or outside, and I know several people who have had similar experiences there. I really hate know-it-alls.
My father used to work for the paper mill when I was a child.(i am 31 now) They were having a big cook out one day and my dad took us all. It was a beautifullll house…. The grown ups were mingling and us kids were running around playing. Me and my brother were standing at the bottom of the stair case which was only blocked off with a chain. I wanted to go explore. We made it half way up the stairs before a gut wrenching feeling came over both of us and we took off running as fast as we could back down stairs. It was so strange. When we went back outside I was looking back and there was a child staring out of the window upstairs. But this wasnt your average “child” it was absolutely positively a ghost type figure. I freaked out. On the way home I was telling my parents how the house was haunted and everything that happened. They looked at each other in shock. They said they knew the house was supposedly haunted but never said anything to us about it because they didn’t want to scare us. I believe 100% there are spirits in that house. Maybe not bad spirits….. But definitely spirits! I was too scared to ever go back. When I got older and things like that started to interest me, I went back to explore. By that time everything was completely closed off 🙁
Went by there today. I stood at the fence line and took photos. if there was a I could share those photos you would definitely see the 2 small children in the top floor window above porch. What appears to be a woman on the porch, and a demonic looking something in a nother window
I was there for a school function years ago. The whole time I was there, something just wasn’t right. It was eerie and I felt uncomfortable I couldn’t wait to leave and I never went back.
My grandmother who died in her 90s says most of that happened. She was a local all her life.