This bridge outside of Greensboro is said to be haunted by a phantom hitchhiker. Lydia was headed home from a dance in the early 1920s, and as her story goes, her date lost control of the car. He was kileld instantly, but she, badly injured, died on the roadside while trying to flag down help. Now a ghostly hitchhiker, she is usually seen wearing white and then disappears before she gets to her destination. She is also known as the Phantom Hitchhiker, the Vanishing Lady, and the Lady in White. The bridge is no longer used.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- E. Main St.
Jamestown, NC
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 35.99722369477371, -79.92555060980521
- County:
- Guilford County, North Carolina
- Nearest Towns:
- Jamestown, NC (0.6 mi.)
High Point, NC (5.3 mi.)
Archdale, NC (6.3 mi.)
Trinity, NC (8.0 mi.)
Greensboro, NC (9.1 mi.)
Pleasant Garden, NC (9.4 mi.)
Thomasville, NC (11.8 mi.)
Kernersville, NC (11.8 mi.)
Wallburg, NC (12.0 mi.)
Forest Oaks, NC (12.3 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
While a friend and I were more or less goofing around at the bridge back in the fall of 2012…my flashlight…with a freshly charged (18650) battery..died within a couple minutes after walking into the tunnel. Pretty spooky to us. I live about 20 minutes from there.
Kinect 360 Ghost camera test, took the kinect ghost camera there for a daylight shoot, will be going back for a night shoot. Also cleaned up the place a bit picked up old grill, cans, bottles and junk. We enjoy going to see these places please if you don’t help to keep them clean, least don’t litter. Thank you.
I drive a school bus around there ,one evening on my way back to the bus lot I looked up and someone in a white dress was sitting on the bus in the seat behind me.I could not see their face,just the dress.
Omfg that bridge is near my school !!!
My great uncle has actually picked her up. It was a rainy night my uncle was getting through with his work so he started to make his way home, which was in Greensboro. He goes through the bridge and he sees a young woman flagging him down. So he serious and she gets in, tells him her name. My uncle asks, “where are you headed”? She gives him the address, which was actually close by and he takes her there. He gets out and goes to walk to the door, but to his acknowledgement, the girl was gone. He knocks on the door and asks if a young woman by the name of Lydia came in the house And explains that he had just picked her up. The people, which I do believe we’re her family say, “no, Lydia had died in a car accident many years ago”. They show him a picture of her and he is chilled to the bone and simply says thanks and heads home. My boyfriend, however, doesn’t believe in Lydia’s bridge, even after I have told the story.
He doesn’t believe you b/c your story is not original– You stole it from the legend. As a child I watched a video in elementary school with the exact story. LOL
Good try tho. lol
Who do I contact to go out there. Im trying to go tonight.
Myself and a friend of mine saw a full bodied apparition of a young woman there in 2005. Ive been maybe 15 or 20 times since and have encountered orbs and strange lights, but I have never seen her like that since. To ppl who want to go, it is easy to access but beware of troublesome folks camping out under the actual bridge ( which is slightly right of the current road when heading towards gtcc/greensboro ). The 2005 experience was really really weird, temperature change of about 25 or 30 degrees F, followed by the feeling of someone walking directly in between my friend and I. After that it was as if somebody sucked all of the energy out of the tunnel, all sound, heat, etc and then she appeared for about one minute or so ( seemed like an eternity ) never moved, then like flipping a switch, she disappeared. I like 10 minutes from this site and have frequented many times and never experienced this same happening again like that. It must be noted that the 11:45 train was overhead on the tracks during this experience although neither of us could hear the train once this all began. She disappeared only after the train was finished. If you want orbs though, just go there and take a lot of pictures.
im going there on friday after the mendenhall plantation any suggestions on what i need to do to see her.
sounds very similar to the story of resurrection Mary in the Chicago area.she is also a vanishing hitchhiker and is supposedly buried in the resurrection cemetery in Justice Illinois.
The Bridge is a cool place to look and hide from the city I really like it and me and my friends love going there and chilling. Never really experience anything weird in the area. It is a cool place to look for a bit and leave.
My wife and I actually had our first date here. We thought it would be way more fun to go explore than to go to dinner. Lol. We looked around, took some photos and I decided to climb to the top of the bridge where the train tracks are. I got to the top and I walked on the track. My wife yelled up to me to come on down and as soon as I stepped off of the train track and train flew by me. I have no clue how this happened or how neither of us heard anything or if the train was even real but I know I felt the wind on my face and when I came back down she said I was pale as a Ghost. Crazy night I will never forget
Lydia’s middle name is Anne. She will appear late at night if called. Watch for the light on the side of the hill just before she appears at the base of the bridge. Park your vehicle at the edge of the dirt road where it meets the pavement of the bridge. Make sure your car is pointed in the way you came b/c you’re going to be running like hell to the car as soon as she appears on the bridge. She is beautiful floating slightly above the ground in a long white gown. You’ll be running very quickly to the car and you will all make it as we did. She will give chase all the way to the stop sign and right before the end she will reach into the back of the car as she transforms from a raving beauty to a partially crushed head. It was horrible. As seen and witnessed by Tonee Hoke, Joe Ward, Jerry Frazier, Danny Howell, Dana Shoaf, and David Bailey Driver. August 13, 1973