This one-time bordello opened in 1917, and is now a bed-and-breakfast and restaurant. The haunts here are known to move or throw things in the kitchen, or twist utensils into pretzels. They show themselves as orbs, shadows or mirror reflections, and can be heard as footsteps or disembodied voices. A Lady in White apparition has been reported as well.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 111 Bird St
Hannibal, MO 63401
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.7115864, -91.35615530000001
- County:
- Marion County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Hannibal, MO (0.3 mi.)
Hull, IL (7.9 mi.)
New London, MO (9.0 mi.)
Payson, IL (9.5 mi.)
Rensselaer, MO (10.4 mi.)
Plainville, IL (10.4 mi.)
Palmyra, MO (10.6 mi.)
Kinderhook, IL (10.8 mi.)
New Canton, IL (14.8 mi.)
Ashburn, MO (15.2 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.lulabelles.com/lula-belles-bed-breakfast/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Stayed several years (late 1980’s) at the Bordello during Oct. street festival with a group of 8 – 10 ladies – all of us in our 40’s. Pre-dawn on one trip, I was awakened by a hand stroking my ankle and a soft, rather malicious giggle. I rolled over to see if my neighbor/friend with whom I was sharing the room with was playing some kind of trick on me……she was sound asleep. I lay awake & frozen until sunup, afraid to close my eyes. The next day one of the ladies took pictures of all of us in our rooms. When the photos were developed, the photo of me and the friend I had shared the room with showed the smiling face of a woman between our heads, superimposed on a filmy flowered curtain. The woman who took the photo took the negative to a professional photographer who could find no flaw on the film. The next year, we were back for the festival and brought the photo with us to show the owner. When the scrapbook with the photo was returned to us a couple of hours later, the photo was upside down in the book. The owner swore they had not taken it out of the album – we didn’t want to believe them. The picture being turned supernaturally was just too spooky. I am now long retired from a 36 yr long career in criminal justice in 3 states ….. I still wonder.
Stayed upstairs in the room on the right. Was awakened to a sheriff standing in the open door. He was dressed in black. He said to me, “don’t be afraid, I’m just checking on the girls.” He pointed at my sleeping husband and asked, ” Is everything alright? ” I answered, “yes, he’s a nice guy”. He tipped his hat and left. I knew nothing about the ghosts in the area. Next day I was in the museum, the curater asked if I was staying in town. I told her of my experience. I felt honored to have had a visit from such a nice man. I tried to stay there again a few years later but it was for sale.