From approximately 1750 through 1854, there was a graveyard at this location – about 9 square blocks. In 1853 they moved MOST of the bodies to the current Borromeo cemetery, about 1-1/2 miles west. Conservatively, there are still between 50 – 200 bodies still there. Graves were opened there as recently as 1982. Multiple manifestations have been reported here including the well documented “Lady in White” A woman buried in her wedding dress.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 400 South Main
Saint Charles, MO
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.7786621, -90.48267379999999
- County:
- St. Charles County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Charles, MO (0.4 mi.)
Champ, MO (3.3 mi.)
Bridgeton, MO (3.9 mi.)
Maryland Heights, MO (5.3 mi.)
Hazelwood, MO (6.0 mi.)
Saint Ann, MO (6.4 mi.)
Edmundson, MO (7.0 mi.)
Breckenridge Hills, MO (7.6 mi.)
Woodson Terrace, MO (7.6 mi.)
Saint Peters, MO (7.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
not a bad place to view, and do a little shopping. I am not saying this place is not haunted but many people where at this location when i went to visit and I did not feel a ghost thrill ( as I like to call it)
As I am sure you know, ghosts are unpredictable. I have reports of many sightings and “ghost thrills” that you refer to.
What is the lady in whites name?
This location is documented in great detail in my book, “The Ghosts of St. Charles.”
I actually just bought your book last week, I’ve only had a chance to read about 10 pages. Its pretty awesome so far! My mother is torturing me to hurry up and let her borrow it!
Actually she lives on Main Street above a Hair Salon. She is convinced her place is haunted. If you are the same person who does the Walking Tours on Friday and Saturday nights she is dying (haha) to meet and talk with you. I would love to talk with you as well.
Feel free to contact me at either way, If you are the man who does the tours or not! We both would love to speak with you!
Thank you,
I was there four years ago, went with some friends and family. We had a great time shopping and hanging out. We visited the cemetery and did not see any lady in a white wedding dress floating around crying. We did however see a lot of large black birds flying and landing on trees, making a lot of noise as we walked by.Hmm, twas quite the spectacle. Indeed it was.
I lived in a house that backed up to this cemetery. One day I went walking, found a fake flower that belonged to a grave site. I picked it up and brought it to the grave where it belonged. Upon returning home I found an identical fake flower in my drive way. I was alone and the flower was not in the driveway when I embarked on this journey. I never knew it to be a haunted place so I’m happy to find out I’m not crazy and that other people have had experiences here as well.
I lived by the Cemetery and used to walk my dog through there. She would stop and bark and have odd behavior by the altar. A young 8 year old boys grave stone with a picture seemed to torment neighbors pets as well .Also saw a vision of a hunter or service member of some sort with a rifle going behind my yard and vanished into Coverdale schools baseball diamond. Very strange things around that area. Not bad I lived there for 15 years.