According to reports, soldiers are still active at this site. Per one story, some Civil War re-enactors working on the film Gettysburg at this site were approached here by a Union soldier. They assumed he, like them, was an extra working on the film. He handed them some ammunition for their guns, which they assumed to be blanks. Later it was determined that the man was not a known part of the cast or crew, and he had handed them not blanks, but Civil War-era musket rounds in pristine condition.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 39.792,-77.2363
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.7928737, -77.23565229999997
- County:
- Adams County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Gettysburg, PA (2.6 mi.)
Lake Heritage, PA (3.0 mi.)
Bonneauville, PA (5.4 mi.)
Fairfield, PA (7.1 mi.)
McKnightstown, PA (7.2 mi.)
Hunterstown, PA (7.4 mi.)
Orrtanna, PA (7.6 mi.)
Emmitsburg, MD (7.8 mi.)
Table Rock, PA (8.4 mi.)
Carroll Valley, PA (8.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Thanks to the movie, this is one of the most visited spots in the park and except for an odd building on the crest and a statue of General Warren who realized the importance of the hill, it is almost completely free of monuments so standing there you have a very good feel of how the place looked in 1863. It would be very easy for an over active imagination to see the men charging up the slopes or the resolute union men waiting for them. I’ve walked there several times and never seen/smelled/heard anything odd. But I can say walking on the area where the 20th Maine made its stand there is a sense of peace there. Anything else , satisfaction, would be me putting my own knowledge on it but under that shelter of the trees it would be noted as a pleasant little place.
That having been said in the valley between Big and Little Round Tops, where a road now runs and onto the slopes of big round top there is an odd feeling of tension, of waiting, of displeasure. I apologize for being so subjective but as peaceful as I find the back of Little Round Top, I find the slopes of Big Round Top makes me uncomfortable.
We are paranormal investigators and we have experienced the most terrifying, mind stimulating, emotional paranormal experiences since starting here in Gettysburg two years ago. We have been in Family Circle and multiple other publications and newspapers. Are guests have been touched, kissed, phantom smells come across and sounds of gunfire. We use all the latest paranormal equipment and we reach out to our guests family members who come through 99 percent of the time which I feel is the most amazing thing.
A good story, and we have many, was from a Gettysburg police officer, who told me that when he was out on the battlefield in 90 degree weather at night, he parked his car near Devils Den and a sheet of ice formed in his windshield where he had to scrape it off with a credit card. He felt electricity throughout his body and told me he could not explain it. It did not make any sense. We have more evidence on our website at http://www.afterdarkinvestigations.com.
Susan, if you have the AC running on he windshield vent in 90% weather sitting idle IT WILL PRODUCE ICE!!
Everything IS NOT hocus locus! ALLOW THESE MENS MEMORIES REST IN PEACE! Run along and conjure up your realities. The latest equiptment…….really…….LMAO
Just because you’ve been in family circle does not mean you are credible!
We were on roundtop 3 yrs ago and my husband, myself & a young man from Alabama heard a distinctive fast, angry voice emanating from big rock just south of Warrens statue out loud that startled the 3 of us. No one else around! Tried to figure out what we just heard! No clue, definetly audible voice
Been to Gettysburg many times. Many years ago (late 70’s, pre-cellphones) I was at the site of the monument (the one in your video behind the ranger) early on a weekend. Nobody else was there. I set my Canon AE-1 down on the monument’s stone base looking back west over towards Devils Den to take a photo of myself . When I got off the edge of the monument and looked back I realized I had not positioned the camera correctly to get my photo, it was out of line. As I had just started to get back on the monument to move toward the camera to get it before the timer went off the camera turned directly and. perfectly at me. There was a breeze up there so it could have been the wind, but.I still have that photo with my perplexed look. (sorry I am not going to post it, a picture of me would frighten folks )
I was staying with friends at their over 200 year old farm house in Union Bridge, Maryland that they fixed up some years ago after they first bought it in the early 2000s. I visited them around 2010 and stayed overnight in the guest room. I was alone in the room at night and it was quiet. I heard a ghost”s voice say in a dramatic fashion “You’re alone, you need somebody.” The next morning I woke to the sounds of a fife an drum band. I asked my friends if the nearby high school had band practice on Saturdays. They said no. I said are they’re any Civil War/ Gettysburg reenactment’s going on. They said,” not today or at this hour of the morning.” I was convinced that I heard hauntings from the Battle of Gettysburg.
I was staying with friends at their over 200 year old farm house in Union Bridge, Maryland that they fixed up some years ago after they first bought it in the early 2000s. I visited them around 2010 and stayed overnight in the guest room. I was alone in the room at night and it was quiet. I heard a ghost”s voice say in a dramatic fashion, “You’re alone, you need somebody.” The next morning I woke to the sounds of a fife and drum band. I asked my friends if the nearby high school had band practice on Saturdays. They said “no”. I said, “are there any Civil War/ Gettysburg reenactment’s going on?” They said,” not today or at this hour of the morning.” I was convinced that I heard hauntings from the Battle of Gettysburg.
I visited Gettysburg about 15 years ago. I was there for the day with two friends of mine, and we were in the Devil’s den area. I am a sensative, and can sense spirits. I was touching one of the rocks, and started to cry for no reason. My friends said that I started to talk about having unfinished business and said “They were so young.” Then, I came out of it and said that I needed to pray for the souls that are there. As soon as I said a prayer for them I felt lighter.