Little People of the Pryor Mountains

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The Crow Indians call these mountains sacred and attest that they are the home of “little people.” These little people are rumored to be ferocious characters who protect the tribe, and have been known to tear the hearts out of enemies’ horses. The story of the little people is strengthened by a report that a mummified dwarf was said to be found by two prospectors in 1932. The mummy was found sitting cross-legged in a nearby cave.

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Geographic Information

Pryor Mountains
United States

Get Directions »
45.17255360312185, -108.47046949765627
Carbon County, Montana
Nearest Towns:
Frannie, WY (15.9 mi.)
Pryor, MT (18.0 mi.)
Cowley, WY (20.0 mi.)
Deaver, WY (20.6 mi.)
Bridger, MT (23.2 mi.)
Lovell, WY (23.5 mi.)
Byron, WY (26.1 mi.)
Fromberg, MT (26.1 mi.)
Belfry, MT (26.1 mi.)
Edgar, MT (27.4 mi.)
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  1. I just moved to Bridger MT & also was selected to receive a Mule Deer Buck Permit for this hunting season for HD510, which is the entire Pryor mountain Range. I cannot find anyone who is willing to accompany me on this hunting trip, primarily due to the stories surrounding the Little people. Nobody in this area is willing to go in to this area for fear of being attacked by the little people. I found somewhere a story which says if you hang a bag filled with beads, arrow heads & fish hooks that they will take this offering and leave you alone. I guess I’ll have to make a bag and go hunting alone. Hopefully I’ll have luck hunting & not have an encounter with the little people.

    • I have gone up on the prior mountains one afternoon to look at the wild horses. The sun went down and I could not make it down the mountain so I stayed and found a spot hidden in between three Pinetree’s and I slept in my car. The next morning the horses came by the elk came by the deer came by a bear came by was very exciting for a girl from the east. Once I came back to Billings and said that I had gotten stuck up there the light had gone down before I could get off the mountain they said you should never have stayed up there for the little people. All these years I thought it was a hoax but now I know after reading your report

  2. The mummy was actually found in Wyoming near Casper. But, still close enough. The legends of the little people in Wyoming had them as ferocious killers that were finally destroyed by the Apaches in the Wind River Mountains when they were led into a canyon and the canyon was set ablaze.

    • I have never heard that story. I did know that the Apaches did go to that area, but I never heard about their encounters with the little people.

  3. My mother grew up on a ranch on Pryor Creek. My family has been there for generations back to the mid 1800’s. They have always told stories of the little people and the havoc and curses that have been placed on people. The little people stopped the building of the train tracks through the area. I have friends from Billings that have taken rocks home from the Pryor Mountains that have had terrible things happen to them until they returned the rocks back to the mountain (this was in the 1990’s). The little people spirits have shown up in pictures taken at the petroglyphs. There are so many more stories. Pryor Creek, Crow Nation, the Pryor Mountains and the surrounding area are very beautiful and calming places to be. Remember to be respectful while visiting.

  4. Lived Casper, mid 60’s dad did geology on rigs .
    I did see some artifacts only, very creepy. a guy hiking wind river , and that is enough. I think he returned any object, I would have.
    I’m 59 in Texas now. but still drive 4×4 s today.

    • I agree, Karen. Especially the Lodge Grass area is so peaceful to me. I have rancher friends there who let me hang out there when I need to escape from western Montana. My family has recreational property in the mountains here and I’m happy to let them come here hunting the big elk.

  5. I lived on the Crow Reservation as a child and have spent a lot of time there as an adult, although my family no longer lives in that area. I’ve always heard about the Little People, but never have seen them and hope never to. What tribal members told me is that they really are good and help a lot of people. But, never tick them off and never wish to see them or you will have bad luck. Pryor Gap Rd has partial railroad tracks because they put a stop to the railroad going through their land. There is also a lot of Bigfoot in that area and other paranormal entities. I’ve seen a lot of unusual things on that reservation, but have only been frightened there once. That was in the valley of the chiefs. I have no idea what was in the draw I was hiking, but I had a feeling to get the hell out of there as fast as I could. So, I did.

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