The Lindenwood Auditorium ghost, a former teacher who never got to see her play, is not the only one on campus. Also haunted, according to reports, are the Sibley Chapel, where an organ has played by itself, and Cobbs Hall, where an apparition of a woman in a white dress was spotted.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 209 S Kingshighway St
St Charles, MO 63301
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.7863048, -90.49964190000003
- County:
- St. Charles County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Charles, MO (1.0 mi.)
Champ, MO (4.3 mi.)
Bridgeton, MO (4.9 mi.)
Maryland Heights, MO (6.3 mi.)
Saint Peters, MO (6.9 mi.)
Hazelwood, MO (7.0 mi.)
Saint Ann, MO (7.5 mi.)
Edmundson, MO (8.1 mi.)
Breckenridge Hills, MO (8.7 mi.)
Woodson Terrace, MO (8.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My daughter lived in Nichols Hall in the early 2000’s. This building is next door to Sibley Hall which has had many reported haunted experiences. Her room in Nichols had many different strange happenings. The TV would turn on and off randomly. The girls alarm clocks would change times and randomly work and not work. The lights would go on and off. One evening after a lot of this type of activity the girls left the dorm to go stay at a hotel and looked back up in the window to see the lights turning on and off over and over again. She called me and said they were going to a hotel. That it was too scarey to stay there. My daughter’s roommate was in the shower one morning when all the items on 3 shelves in the bathroom flew off onto the floor. The door was locked from the inside. During the second year living there my daughter and I ran into an elderly woman at the store who overheard us talking about the different activity at her dorm. She came over and said “The next time that happens, just tell the spirits to go to the light. I am sure they will leave”. She went back to school and they had another wierd evening of the lights blinking….She and her friends in the room started chanting “Go to the light, Go to the light”. the lights stopped blinking and they did not have any other issues the remainder of that semester.
I lived in Cobbs Hall for 2 years in the mid 1980s. I never had any ghostly activities there. In fact, it was one of the few places on campus that was not eerie. Places on campus said to be haunted then were Sibley Hall and also the cafeteria which was built on the back end of Ayers Hall. The hillside slopes down behind Ayers Hall, so the cafeteria was one level lower than the basement of the building. I worked in the cafeteria and heard first-hand accounts of ghostly experiences. Maxine, the lady who prepared salads was stationed toward the back of the kitchen. She talked about feeling a cold hand on her shoulder once. There was a storeroom for banquet materials that was up a long flight of stairs in what was the basement of the old, then-abandoned Ayers Hall. I cannot tell you how creepy it was to ascend those stairs and be in that storeroom; everyone hated being anywhere near a back hallway that led to those stairs. I believe the cafeteria and kitchen is now gone, having been converted into something else. The campus is so different than what it was in the 1980s…some houses that were on campus have been razed…and of course, the crazy expansion. Sometime between 2013 – 2014 a student fell out a window to his death at one of the new dorms. The old part of campus is beautiful, but totally creepy!!
I’m thinking of going there.Should I go?
I currently live in Sibley Hall on the third and final floor before the attic. The attic is completely sealed off and locked but I hear footsteps above me at night. I also always hear my door handle jiggling at night, very loud. It startled me so much and happened so frequently that I double checked that my door was locked every night before bed. The room next to me is vacant but I often times here knocking from the other side of that wall. My room is located on the right hand side of the building so my windows are facing the side of Nichols Hall. I was told by an RA that the dorm was evacuated and won’t be lived in this year after the A/C units for the building exploded. She said that it released a dangerous chemical so not even workers go in there. When I look over at the windows one night, some lights are on and shades up, but the next night, the lights have been turned off or the shades closed or vice versa. The most terrifying thing I’ve had happen was when I was in bed with a friend at around 2am and my cat was acting like I’d never seen. She was sprinting around the room with her tail poofed up and ears back, making terrible noises, scratching the door to get out and staring at a specific spot in the room. I believe she saw something that I did not. I asked the spirit to kindly leave and my cat immediately settled down. It’s very spooky here.
There is a chapter in my book about Lindenwood.
I lived in Nichols in the early 90’s, down the end of a hallway with my window facing Sibley, and my suite mate and I experienced unexplained occurrences on the same night, but separately. It was the weekend, and I had gone to bed. Back then, the campus was very small and most people went home on the weekends, so the dorm was nearly empty. I was laying on my side in bed, facing the wall, and I heard the sound of shuffling footsteps behind me. I rolled over and turned on my lamp, thinking it was my suite mate home from partying. There was no one there. I attributed the sound to me falling asleep, so I turned off my lamp, rolled over and closed my eyes. About ten seconds later, I heard the same sound right behind me, I rolled over quickly and turned on my lamp – again, my room was empty. I got up and opened the door that separated my dorm room from my suite mate’s dorm room, and their room was empty. I quickly walked to my front door, opened it and peered into the hallway, which was empty. I started to get a little spooked, so I stayed up for a bit until I convinced myself that it was nothing. I turned off my light, laid back down, and closed my eyes for a third time that night. About thirty seconds later I heard the same sound – shuffling feet next to my bed. I quickly turned on my light and laid there, terrified. I ended up falling asleep out of exhaustion, with my light on. In the morning, my suite mate came into my room looking pretty haggard. I asked her if she had a rough night, and she replied that she did, but not from the partying. She said that she had gotten home just before midnight, and went straight to bed. She had turned out the lights and as she was trying to sleep she said a feeling overcame her so she opened her eyes, and floating above her was a green face of a man. She was a religious person, so she shut her eyes and started to silently pray. She opened her eyes after a time, and the face was still there. She ended up saying something out loud something along the lines of, “In the name of Jesus, leave” over and over. She said that when she opened her eyes again, the face was gone. So then I told her my story, and we were both pretty freaked out. Nothing like that happened again in that dorm, but it sure made for a weird night.