Lewis Army Museum (originally Fort Lewis Military Museum), housed in the former historic Red Shield Inn building, is rumored to have haunts in residence. Legend has it that during the filming at the inn of a 1927 silent movie called “The Patent Leather Kid,” a worker was murdered on the second floor. After that, a cowboy’s angry or sad ghost was often seen in the area, along with unexplained sounds, cold spots, and alarms that went off for no apparent reason. Eventually three priests were summoned to perform an exorcism, during which they said the man’s apparition appeared to them, telling them he was upset because he had done something to cause his own death. The priests gave him forgiveness and permission to leave, and, so the story goes, the cowboy ghost stopped to weep for a moment before fading away at the doorway. Spooky happenings are rumored still to continue in the building.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Main St.
Fort Lewis, Washington
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 47.09731439310703, -122.61505615955684
- County:
- Pierce County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- DuPont, WA (0.8 mi.)
Fort Lewis, WA (1.9 mi.)
Ketron, WA (3.9 mi.)
Steilacoom, WA (5.0 mi.)
Nisqually Indian Community, WA (6.0 mi.)
McChord Air Force Base, WA (6.3 mi.)
Custer, WA (6.8 mi.)
Lakewood, WA (6.9 mi.)
Lakeview, WA (7.0 mi.)
Roy, WA (7.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.fortlewismuseum.com

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
when I was stationed at lewis back in the late 90’s I would hang out at the museum all the time. I love history so it was a nice get away. one day on the way up to the second floor it felt as if someone pushed pass me. then as I was almost at the top of the steps the door closed. the strange part about that was the door stop moved as if someone kicked it. the guy behind me who had a young child said ” I think ,that door closed by itself.” and then he turned and went back down. another time I was heading to my team leaders house for a few minutes on thanksgiving and took the back road from north fort to main post, and it got really foggy and I swear I so three guys that looked like dough boys cross the road. no was wasn’t drinking , I was on duty at that time. the sgt I was on duty let me go over for dinner. the same ting happened one night later that year when I was driving a bus for a war fighter exercise. the officer that was on the bus asked if I saw the guys I ww1 uniforms and I said yes and it wasn’t the first time. there are many stories I have from living on north fort.
About 6 years ago when I first moved up here to Washington my mom, brothers, and I went to check this museum out. And just walking into this building I felt just a really creepy presense. Usually I tend to stray away from my family and check things out at my own pace. But I just couldn’t leave my moms side because of the energy. And ready this and hearing those stories have reassured me that wasn’t crazy, there’s something there. I thought I was over thinking it because I watch so much ghost hunters. Bahaha
My family and I just recently went there to look around. Our 3rd time maybe, never noticed anything creepy. My son likes to look at all the military vehicles outside.
Took my friends spirit box here. We got a few responses, but did not feel anything negative. Was definitely an interesting place.
There was an exorcism done at this museum that isn’t mentioned here. I live on post so I decided to go to the museum and walked around. Felt really off and when I left I had done some research and right away read about the ghost stories. Didn’t know it was haunted but definitely made me feel this off vibe.
The Castle next door on McChord AFB has a female ghost who likes to hang out in the coffee shop area. Has weirdly been seen by a lot of people. I’ve also heard the reserve MPS has a lot of after hour ghost activity including staff hearing voices to full disembodied discussions, loud bangs, and heavy secure desk items being pushed onto the floor.
Hi Elise,
I used to work in the castle on the first floor and noticed one day in my office a strong perfume smell right next to me. My off was around the corner from the coffee shop you speak of. I always got really weird vibes in that area and also the female bathroom right next to the coffee shop. Would love to know more about this female ghost since I feel she has personally visited me when I was there!