Letchworth Village is a former psychiatric hospital that is rumored to be haunted by the spirits of the patients who suffered here. Some reports say the full name of the place was Letchworth Village Institute for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic, and the establishment got into trouble with the law when its cruel practices were discovered.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Letchworth Village Road
Thiells, NY
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.21475839746142, -74.02363513121338
- County:
- Rockland County, New York
- Nearest Towns:
- Thiells, NY (0.4 mi.)
West Haverstraw, NY (2.0 mi.)
Mount Ivy, NY (2.0 mi.)
Stony Point, NY (2.2 mi.)
Haverstraw, NY (3.3 mi.)
Pomona, NY (3.5 mi.)
Verplanck, NY (4.2 mi.)
New Hempstead, NY (4.5 mi.)
Wesley Hills, NY (4.5 mi.)
New City, NY (5.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letchworth_Village

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
There are many mixed opinions of Letchworth, whether it is haunted or not, or even whether the tales told of what happened behind these walls were true or not. Being someone who has trespassed into many of the buildings and have had my own experiences, I believe Letchworth Village is haunted. It is even difficult to walk down the halls alone without feeling your chest tighten. If you don’t believe me, go there yourself.
I took my cousin there who was a non believer of ghosts….and dared him to go into a building.
He ran out screaming, theres a dead body! call the police. I laughed my way to the building and saw the stuffed dummy in the hall. While I can’t confirm it is haunted, there is def a creepy feeling of being watched when your’re there..I went into a few buildings and just felt sadness but like I said, I cannot confirm or deny if it is haunted
Went there 2 days ago and I must say… The place is definitely haunted. We walked into the morgue and before I noticed the freezers, my chest tightened up and started beating really hard and fast. We also walked into the room which is believed to be where they kept the brain samples and you can actually still smell the formaldehyde that they kept the brains in. Once we made it back to the staircase to come back up, we stopped cause we heard some noise and I looked down the hallways and saw a tall figure standing behind the second set of doors at the end of the hall!! Scared isn’t even close to what I felt at that moment!! So yes this place is haunted!! I went during the day and I was petrified, imagine if I came at night!!
Im a firefighter for the district that covers the majority of the letchworth property..we’ve drilled in these buildings and had multiple fires in them and the things that we have seen and heard are just freaky….ive personally seen figures watching us do drills and heard screams while no one was in the building(s). I was never one to believe in ghosts or anything of that nature but after my experiences..its definitely haunted
Many people are sceptical of hautings at Letchworth but I can tell you from experience there is definitely something there and some of the paranormal energy is extremely negative
A few years ago I took a driving tour through the old Letchworth property, while driving down a hill in coming around a Bend to the left I felt Hollow ground underneath me and knew that I was driving over tunnels as I turned the corner an all brick building appeared from behinde the overgrown brush. The building was dirty with soot from the chimney. I knew instantly it was the morgue, I felt the horrors that the patients experienced being led through those tunnels I felt a natural death and new that their remains were burned in a Crematory in the basement I turned around and tried to get out of that property as fast as I could. that experience changed me. the pervasive feeling of being watched stayed with me the entire time I was on the property, which is a huge campus. It was very frightening.
The morgue was in the medical building and didn’t have a chimney at all, let alone it’s built with field stone. The ‘chimney’ you must be referring to is the smokestack belonging to the powerhouse that fueled the property, as it was originally a ‘farm colony’ type of institution which was self-sustaining. Nonetheless some of the atrocities that occurred here have created hallowed ground that has an overall air of sadness and desperation. The tunnels were not like sanatoriums either utilized as “body chutes.” The tunnels at Letchworth were for maintenance only.
Had a friend who was “addicted” to coming here, said he felt something pulling him to come back (okay, dude). Went along with him at dusk once. Knowing it’s tragic history and seeing how decrepit the abandoned buildings are is definitely going to impact your sense of the place, it’s just objectively creepy whether it’s haunted or not. I personally didn’t see or feel anything, I was more worried about stepping on a rusty nail or disturbing a mentally ill squatter who’d possibly set up a makeshift camp. I also have terrible night vision, so the idea of stumbling around in debris filled buildings makes me nervous as hell, as is. Again, it’s creepy, no doubt, but I never saw or felt anything.
The friend who repeatedly visits has reported sightings of orbs and shadow figures, though, plus an inexplicable sense of longing to return. There was later an episode of Ghost Adventures (that Zak Bagan’s guy is so unintentionally hilarious) where they visited this site and one of the locals they interviewed reported the same “addiction” and inexplicable sense of longing to return that my own friend described, plus the orbs and shadow figure sightings. That absolutely weirded me out, but who knows if it actually holds any significance.
Have caught EVPs here- especially on the border of the girls/ boys wards
I worked here in the 80s as the lunch care taker that gives out food. It was sad it always made me sad looking at the patients at were going though a lot. I was driving by and I stopped the car and went to go check out the building I worked at. I went inside and i lt was bringing me memories working at Letchworth. I was walking around and I heard noises like something being moved around or something. I decided to leave I was pretty scared and didn’t want to get caught by Haverstraw police because of trespassing. Cause their always patrolling the property.
Stopped by there today and visited the cemetery. Found it interesting that anyone of Jewish Decent was buried in the back. However most of the people of Jewish Decent who were buried with standard Number grave Markers had been replaced with a really nice tomb stone. Just thought it was interesting that the majority of people of Jewish Decent had there families replace the market with an actual tomb. Very creamy place.