Lemp Mansion

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Reports say that at this bed-and-breakfast you may experience cold spots, electrical oddities, vibrations from the floors, feelings of sorrow, tapping on your shoulders, a pervasive feeling of being watched, a piano that plays a single note during the night… and if that weren’t enough, you may find strange things in any photographs you take, both digital and film.

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Geographic Information

3322 Demenil Pl
St Louis, MO 63118
United States

Get Directions »
38.593217, -90.21578399999999
Nearest Towns:
Sauget, IL (1.7 mi.)
Cahokia, IL (2.1 mi.)
St. Louis, MO (2.5 mi.)
East Carondelet, IL (3.7 mi.)
East Saint Louis, IL (4.1 mi.)
National City, IL (4.7 mi.)
Centreville, IL (4.9 mi.)
Bella Villa, MO (5.0 mi.)
Benton, MO (5.0 mi.)
Alorton, IL (5.2 mi.)

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Comments (16)

  1. My family was at the Lemp Mansion for a wedding this past summer. My mom and I were in the first floor womens bathroom when we heard someone saying “round” over and over again. Nobody was out in the hall (because everyone else was in the bar because that’s just how my family is, lets be real here) and it sounded like it was coming from inside the bathroom. Now we would have just ignored it but we told one of the bridesmaids what happened and she pointed out my moms necklace, which had a bunch of big, ROUND, gold beads on it. Maybe just a coincidence, but its was very weird, considering we both heard it, and Lemp is pretty notorious for that type of stuff.

  2. I visited the Lemp this winter for my birthday dinner. I have always been obsessed with all things paranormal and had been dying to go there forever. When my family and I pulled up, I looked at the house. In the attic window on the ride side I saw the curtains fall, as if they had been pulled back to look at the street below. Was I just seeing things? I don’t know. I didn’t have any other experience other than that. I think it may have been Zeke, the boy who was kept in the attic because of his condition.

  3. Angela Howard  |  

    When I was 12 I used to live in that area on Cherokee St. One day my frind and I were riding our bikes past the Lemp Mansion when I stopped and looked up at the house. On the 2nd floor in the window I saw what appeared to be a lady standing in the window looking out at me. She looked like she was wearing a long puffy purple gown. I turned to call my friend and tell her. When I looked back at the window she was gone. At that time I hadn’t heard any of the Lemp stories so I didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until I was about 27 that I really found out about the mansion. When I looked it up on the internet I came across a picture of the Lavender Lady, the wife of William Lemp. The picture I saw was the same exact lady I seen all those years ago. Freaky huh?

  4. Had my granddaughter’s 16th birthday at Lemp, spent the night on the third floor (servants floor and where the disfigured boy “Zeke” stayed). Shared bed with daughter and during the night was awakened when I felt my hair being stroked, I assumed by my daughter. She said she did not do so.

  5. My daughter and I spent the night on 7/30/15 in the Elsa room had three eps in the afternoon.the most interesting and clearest said ” get out of here you BITCH.

  6. In January of 2011 my mother and I stayed overnight in celebration of our birthdays. We booked the Elsa room located in the attic and found it to be quite peaceful. My mother did not experience anything out of the ordinary. I had 3 unexplained things happen to me…
    Before retiring to our room, we explored other rooms that were not occupied. The restaurant was still open on the main floor, and many people were still in the building. While in the Charles room on the 2nd floor, I smelled something like pipe/cigar smoke. It kind of smelled like cigarettes, yet sweeter. Obviously, no one was smoking in the house. It smelled stronger as I moved into the room away from the doors leading out of the room. The smell lingered, and I was alone at the time. There wasn’t a person nearby who might have had the smell of smoke on their clothes. I smoke cigarettes, I know it wasn’t me, and the smell was slightly different. The smell lasted for at least 15 seconds…Late at night, my mom was still sleeping, I woke up, and I decided to check the tape in the video camera I had left running. It needed to be changed, and as I was bending over reaching into my luggage for a new tape, I dinstinctly heard what sounded like a child saying, “Mommy?” I checked outside the room in the hallway, no one was near, and the house was quiet…Around dawn, my mother and I were outside smoking a cigarette at the top of the spiral staircase in the back of the building. I was facing the carriage house and gazebo, my mother was facing me. I saw a shadow figure move down the pathway between the carriage house and gazebo. It was a partial figure, just a head and shoulders really. As it moved, it disappeared behind one of the pillar supports to the gazebo, and then it reappeared on the other side of the pillar. It continued for another few feet and then disappeared altogether. It could not have been a shadow coming from a window of the house, and we were completely alone out there. It happened quickly, and my mother was unable to see it. I look forward to seeing what my husband and I experience when we stay in a different room in the future!

  7. Just stayed the night. So much fun–smell of men’s cologne, touch on my leg when I was watching a weather video on my phone, daughter’s back cold while she was looking at shopping ads on her phone. The coolest one was my daughter (a family case lawyer) and I were talking about how men tend to get screwed in divorce/custody cases. Her purse has a medallion on the front and it started swinging erratically. We weren’t walking in the room or bumping the table. We asked if he felt strongly about our topic of conversation & the medallion flipped out as if someone had put their finger behind the medallion and flicked it outward. Can’t wait to go back!!!!

  8. I had a very strange coincidence here that was personal to my life. I had been intensely grieving my dog’s death (he was like my child) over the four days prior to my attending the mystery dinner theatre in the basement, which I had planned to attend well before my dog’s passing. As it turns out, this dinner was the first thing I did after his death, and I ALWAYS brought my dog home a doggy bag, and this would be the first time I would not be doing that for him. I had been wanting to see a sign that he was okay. I know that is weird, but I was grieving.
    We arrived after most other guests had been seated and received their “character assignments” for the audience participatory dinner theatre. The hostess asked if anybody had not yet been assigned a role, and our table indicated we had not. The lady gave the four of us at our table name tags with our character roles. We were randomly assigned The Beatles, and I was given the role of Ringo.

    My dog’s name was Ringo. I am not making this up! It seemed like I was in a portal to the “other side”, and it was like I was granted my wish of a sign, but I guess it was just a weird coincidence. I know my friend did not say anything to them because she was with me the entire time since we had arrived.

  9. My dad had stayed there overnight years and years ago. He said he finally propped a chair underneath the door handle because of the things he heard and saw there.

  10. We stayed there June of 2020 in the Elsa room. We got quite a few EVPs with someone talking and a dog barking, we got a picture of a hand on the top of the rail in the front staircase, we got pictures of orbs over their bed and on the staircase in the front of the house and also a figure in the doorway.

    • Was here with my grandma and mom, we were down stairs and I was in the same room as my grandma. A few days later my grandma, sister, and I were listening to the recording and heard a sigh, tapping, and the wife saying my name

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