Le Méridien Dallas - The Stoneleigh

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The Bolla Bar inside the 1923 Stoneleigh Hotel is said to be haunted by restless souls who passed away in the hotel, especially during thunderstorms. Witnesses say strange things have happened here for years: Lights flicker, the elevator works on its own, apparitions scare guests and glasses shatter for no apparent reason. During storms, the phenomena are said to intensify.

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    Geographic Information

    2927 Maple Ave
    Dallas, TX 75201
    United States

    Get Directions »
    32.79751, -96.80737199999999
    Dallas County, Texas
    Nearest Towns:
    Dallas, TX (1.0 mi.)
    Highland Park, TX (2.6 mi.)
    University Park, TX (3.7 mi.)
    Cockrell Hill, TX (6.3 mi.)
    Farmers Branch, TX (10.3 mi.)
    Buckingham, TX (10.7 mi.)
    Richardson, TX (11.3 mi.)
    Addison, TX (11.4 mi.)
    Hutchins, TX (11.6 mi.)
    Grand Prairie, TX (11.6 mi.)

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    1. I stayed at the Stoneleigh in 2004 for a few days for work. I knew nothing about this hotel prior to arriving as it was my job that secured my room. Several other coworkers from around the country arrived as well. None of us had met before. The first morning as we gathered in the lobby we were astonished when two of us, one very disturbed, said something grabbed her in her bed, pulled the covers off, and shook her violently. After calling the front desk in fear, the hotel had no explanation and it was not an intruder as their door to the room was locked with the security lock. Long story short, other things began happening to others that week, and the hotel denied any knowledge of paranoral activity. Finally a doorman told us there was issues with the hotel, and a bartender stated the same. They were never to discuss the incidents. On our last night, I walked into my room to find the bathroom faucets both turned on – full blast, and I had only been away from the room about 20 minutes. Needless to say, I stayed up the whole night dressed in case I had to leave my room in a hurry. I still remember my room number – 909. We were so glad to leave that creepy old hotel. A few weeks later another coworker from my home city stayed at the Stoneleigh for work only to have his covers pulled off of him as he slept and his wallet hidden behind the armoire. This is only a brief summary of several things that happened, but I’m certain of the issues with the Stoneleigh and would never stay there again.

    2. I too stayed only one night back in 2003 or 2004 (?). Because i was coming from San Antonio and speaking at a conference there on a Saturday at 8 am, a night at the hotel was required. I arrived after 7 pm, hadn’t eaten so I settled my things in the room and left the lights and tv on. I went down to eat sushi on the first floor. When I came back maybe 30 min later (?) All of the drawers of the armoire were pulled out to the point of falling (!) About 6 drawers. I know I did not do that. Even after the hair on the back of my neck stood up, I was still focused on a good presentation the next morning so i tried to pretend that was nothing. I had to call maintenance to inspect the a.c afterwards. because it for very hot in the room, nothing wrong and I’m always cold. Then all night I kept hearing a man’s voice. Needless to say I didn’t sleep well but when I woke up to my alarm on the bedstand, the drawer was pulled out to the point of falling out (!) When I looked over at the bedstand right next to me where the phone was that drawer too was pulled out to the point of falling (!). The drawers were not pulled out to the point of falling when I went to sleep. I can’t remember showering and dressing but I think it was a record, still is. At that time nothing was on the internet about this hotel – because all my co-workers looked. Much later I heard the Paula Abdul story. Yikes.

    3. I stayed at this hotel for a business trip in 2016 and was unaware of its alleged haunted status. I specifically recall looking at a dresser across from my bed before got by to sleep and admiring that it looked very similar to a dresser in my own home’s master bedroom. I know all of the drawers were closed when I looked at the dresser before falling asleep and I had not put anything in the dresser. When I awoke the next morning, the bottom dresser was half open and I recalled thinking it was very odd but thinking perhaps I just didn’t remember the dresser was open.
      But when I heard the next day that the hotel was notorious for being haunted, I knew that the dresser situation I experienced was the result of paranormal activity.

    4. I worked at this hotel and I can tell you this, that for sure this place has evil and nice spirits in it. I got a call to a room one day to fix a water leak I set my bag on the vanity which held my tools as I sat on the tub my bag was thrown from the vanity to the restroom door it scared me and I could feel someone else was in the room with me I took it as a sign to get out of the room. the second experience I had was front desk called saying they kept getting calls from a room 418 someone was calling and hanging up but no guest was checked into that room. so I went to go check and I could hear the phone beeping threw the door. when I opened the door the phone was lighting up and beeping the room was empty I unplugged the phone from the wall and it continued to ring and beep I then realized this was the same room I was in when my bag was thrown from the vanity. I exited the room quickly. other employees have seen men standing over them or have had doors closed on them they hear children running a women screaming all kinds of crazy stuff so yes this place is haunted 100%

    5. Very nice employee give my friend and I access to the penthouse of the stone ledge last month.

      We got access to the grands penthouse. It was absolutely astonishing. Marble floors Grand chandeliers everywhere beautiful artwork.

      And as we got closer to the bar we felt a sense that we should leave.

      I have an app which uses the lighting sensors, and my 48MP 5 lens camera, to spot moving figures. It works flawlessly.

      And the camera had spotted a figure in the corner of the room, right by the mantle of the bar.

      My friend and I got spooked, and ran back to the elevator.

      We had waited there for about 5 minutes.
      We then reluctantly opens back the elevator and went back to the bar because my friend dared me to.

      Stupid decision.

      As we speed walked to the bar through the penthouse, we entered the bar.

      There was a man standing right by the mantle right where we saw him on camera.

      He had a very sinister look on his face, and you could tell that he was not from this physical dimension.

      He had pure black eyes that stared deeply into our souls.

      He then yelled.
      “Get out of my house! NOW!”


      This rage the man even more.

      We nearly shot our trousers. And immediately ran towards the elevator as fast as we possibly could, through the Grand penthouse.

      Then we talked to one of the employees.
      The enraged ghostly man’s name was Henry.

      He used to own the pharmacy across the street.
      Which is now a bar a very popular bar infact.

      He had committed suicide in the bar and took his mistress with him.
      In the secret stairwell of the penthouse.
      She was brutally pushed, and slaughtered.

      Which led to the grandest room in the hotel. The room we also got access to.

      You walked into the room and it was fantastic.

      Hand-carveds would work, mahogany embroidered the entire room. From the floor to ceiling. Feel like we were in the Titanic’s first class bedroom.

      We immediately closed the door that led to the secret penthouse staircase.

      We did not want to see Henry again.

      My friend decided to actually go up the staircase. I did not want to.

      We did not see the Mistresses ghost.

      But we sure as hell did not go back into that bar.

      Below there is a picture of henry. That my friend took on his iPhone 6.
      It is a raw photograph.

      Look into the mirror above the mantle on the right side of the photograph you will see Henry.

      Thank you for reading my paranormal experience at the Stoneleigh Hotel in Dallas.

      Be careful while coming here.

      It is a beautiful place, with absolutely exceptional amenities and service.

      But of course it is filled with evil and friendly spirits.That simply refuse to check out.

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