Apparitions, strange noises and lights turning on and off of their own accord have all been reported at this 1929 hotel.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 120 South Main Street
Bryan, TX
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.6729624, -96.37383439999996
- County:
- Brazos County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- Bryan, TX (0.2 mi.)
College Station, TX (3.9 mi.)
Wixon Valley, TX (7.0 mi.)
Kurten, TX (10.2 mi.)
Snook, TX (13.8 mi.)
Millican, TX (17.4 mi.)
Iola, TX (19.0 mi.)
Hearne, TX (19.3 mi.)
Caldwell, TX (21.4 mi.)
Somerville, TX (24.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I was a student at Texas A&m and in the early 2000’s I had an experience at the 3rd floor Carina across street from LaSalle. My friend worked at the cantina and told me it was haunted by a woman that had fallen down the elevator shaft and died. One night we were there way after closing hanging with the manager. It was about 3am and I asked him about the ghost. As he told stories a noise like nails on a chalk board started. I looked for explainations but couldn’t find one. The noise stopped when he called her out but interrupted the story. Later when I asked him to continue a woman’s scream came from bottom of stairs which subsequently is right where elevator shaft is. My buddy blamed it on drunk college kids in parking lot except that it was well close to 4am and no one was in parking lot when we looked outside. We sat down at bar and stories continued until a bar stole up by the stage slid across the floor with no explanation. That’s when I decided it was too weird or I had drank too many beers but it was time to go home.
I deliver pizza. Last night, someone ordered a pizza for room 309 at LaSalle hotel. I get there, knock on the door. No answer. Knock again, no answer. Figure it’s a prank, so I go to the desk and ask if there’s anyone staying in that room. The lady says no, so I went back to the pizza place I work at, and explained the situation. One of the guys calls the phone number, and the dude asks me to call him when I get to the hotel so I can meet him in the third floor lobby. So I go back to the hotel, reconfirm with the lady that no one is in room 309, and tell her that if she hears screams, it’s me and she should call the cops. I go up, there’s a big black dude in a beanie with Yellowish teeth. He hands me the money, and he’s gone. Went left, and I didn’t see or hear him after that. No idea where he went. I get back to the lobby area, and the lady is standing there ringin. Her hands. Apparently, she’d looked again, and there was no one staying on the third floor at all. She was about to come ‘save’ me. We both go back to look for him cause she wants to know who is staying in her hotel. We get there, and he’s gone. Not even so much as the smell of the pizza remained. The dudes name was Roy
Sometimes a ghost just wants some pizza, man
My great grandfather died on the 3rd floor there in the mid 1970s.