A mansion in New Orleans that was once owned by the vicious Madame Lalaurie. Neighbors reported that slave turnover at her house was unusually high and one neighbor reported a young slave girl who leapt to her death rather than face the punishment Madame Lalaurie had in store for her. When a fire broke out at the mansion in 1834, those who responded to the blaze found the Lalaurie slaves to be in an especially pitiable state: bound, tortured, whipped and kept in such a wretched condition that the mansion itself was attacked by an angry mob. Public outrage against the Lalaurie family was so fervent that they fled the mansion and Louisiana in fear of their lives. While the facts of the case are grim and gruesome enough, local outrage and legend has since added to the lore and list of crimes in a quite gruesome manner. In truth, the basic facts alone are sufficient to believe that if any place in the world is haunted, it would be this one.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1140 Royal St.
New Orleans, LA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.96183509999999, -90.06114330000003
- Parish:
- Orleans Parish, Louisiana
- Nearest Towns:
- New Orleans, LA (1.0 mi.)
Gretna, LA (3.3 mi.)
Arabi, LA (3.4 mi.)
Terrytown, LA (4.0 mi.)
Harvey, LA (4.1 mi.)
Marrero, LA (4.9 mi.)
Jefferson, LA (5.5 mi.)
Metairie, LA (5.7 mi.)
Chalmette, LA (6.0 mi.)
Timberlane, LA (6.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Was on a ghost tour took these pics of outside care to debunk whats on the left side of the window