On the darkest nights, figures and sounds can be seen and heard in the woods. This is a spot where Confederate armies used to camp during the Civil War.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Lake Tholocco
Fort Rucker, Alabama
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 31.4014396, -85.71665819999998
- County:
- Dale County, Alabama
- Nearest Towns:
- Fort Rucker, AL (4.1 mi.)
Ozark, AL (6.0 mi.)
Daleville, AL (6.3 mi.)
Level Plains, AL (7.9 mi.)
Newton, AL (8.0 mi.)
Enterprise, AL (10.1 mi.)
Clayhatchee, AL (11.5 mi.)
Pinckard, AL (11.5 mi.)
New Brockton, AL (12.6 mi.)
Ariton, AL (13.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
This place might actually be haunted, I never knew about this until now but I did know something about the lake didn’t quite sit right with me. I went out fishing with my dad a while back early one morning and it was all too still. No birds, no dogs, no sound really except our bobbers hitting the water. Now I haven’t heard anything or seen anything but I think I’m gunna head back out one night and see if I do. I almost believe it.
This place is really haunted while me and my friend was swimming in the lake she screamed and she said she felt someone grab her leg underwater a couple minutes later i felt someone grab my leg under water there was noone there only me and her…i did research on it and turns out this lake is haunted.
I’ve lived next to Lake Tholocco since 1987 and I’ve never heard of it being haunted. The lake was drained twice when the dam busted and no evidence of Civil War relics or bodies were ever found. The voices and noises you may hear are most likely actual soldiers doing their SERE training (Google it). Now that I’ve said that, the lake is kind of creepy looking at one end that no one ever goes into, but only because of the protruding tree stumps sticking up prevents boats from going back there. The lake is full of fish, snakes and a resident gator so if you swim in there you’re pretty much going to have something swim up against you. I’ve put my wave runner in there but I’m not going to swim in it.
My wife and I were out fishing and a soldier came out fishing I was chatting with him and he had stated he had seen some crazy stuff there and I asked like what he said he saw three soldiers that were see through marching
boyfriend and i went down to the lake tholocco last night. we have been there before around the same time, it’s relaxing and quiet. but last night was unlike anything either of us had ever experienced before; from the moment we got there a figure could be seen by both of us on the dock. At first we thought it was a person but it kept moving in the strangest of ways, it would disappear and reappear and even seem to change shapes a bit. I didn’t worry about this very much, I chalked it up to poor visibility and lighting. not long after though the figure/entity/animal just stopped moving at the end of the dock and stayed put.. moments later an opossum arrives from that same direction and stops to look directly at us. Again, not something that I thought anything of initially. At this point I turned to face the road/forest again and had my back to the water, i looked into the forest and caught a glimpse of a white glowing figure thing moving quickly behind a tree never to emerge after that. My boyfriend did not see it because he was looking in a different direction but maybe 2 minutes later a terrible scream came from the woods right near us. I, being mega creeped out already, excused the sound as being an animal like a coyote or bobcat but I grew up in rural Florida swamps and I have never heard a scream like that in my life. At this point my bf and I decided it was very much time to go and as we were leaving, a large tree branch fell behind me inches from where I had just been walking, and there was absolutely ZERO WIND. Upon getting back to the vehicle we drove to another location on base, the memorials near the aviation museum (we play pokemon go and there’s stuff there). We parked looking toward the base entry gate, in an area that our lights illuminated one of the gravestones that was in front of us at the memorial. We were there for maybe 3 – 5 minutes, I looked down at my phone and when I looked back up the gravestone in front of us has been KNOCKED OVER. It was literally just laying there on its side. No wind, no nothing.