Locals say a woman who was hanged after being accused of being a witch haunts Lafayette Pioneer Cemetery. Her apparition has been seen standing or walking through the graveyard. Some have heard her laughing, and one person claims to have caught her voice on tape saying “Run Home!” Others say they have been chased out of the cemetery, and found deep cuts all over their backs afterward.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- NE Duniway Road and NE Dawn Ln
Lafayette, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.251016661382586, -123.10139608387544
- County:
- Yamhill County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Lafayette, OR (0.8 mi.)
Dayton, OR (2.4 mi.)
Carlton, OR (4.7 mi.)
Dundee, OR (4.8 mi.)
McMinnville, OR (5.5 mi.)
Saint Paul, OR (6.7 mi.)
Newberg, OR (7.1 mi.)
Yamhill, OR (7.5 mi.)
Amity, OR (10.7 mi.)
Butteville, OR (12.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Lived two doors down for over 7 years. Viewed cemetery at all different hours and seasons, no weird phenomena going on.
We lived in Lafayette for years and experienced many, many unexplainable things in our home–which was in a brand new neighborhood. We used to go to the cemetery fairly frequently. Sometimes we caught strange things on video, sometimes there was nothing. The cemetery in video #2 is not the same one as the one in video #1. The Masonic cemetery is EXTREMELY creepy. You can always feel someone/something watching you from the trees on your way up the hill. As you round the bend at the top of the hill, the oppression is tangible. We got one of the few authentic EVP’s we’ve recorded in that cemetery.
what Oregon had its very own witch hunts? i had no idea this was so close to home.
I have been at Lafayette cemetery at night time and have asked Anna if she wan5s to tell me anything I asked 3 times before I received an old woman’s voice telling me “nothing and not again” say she didn’t want to tell me “nothing and to not ask again”. True story.
That same thing happend to me exact
I went to both cemeteries today..pioneer cemetery I made a a snapchat video before going in the gate and my mom and I both clearly heard a lady say what are we gonna do…then at the masonic cemetery I could feel someone watchung me all the way up the hill then as I rounded the bend around the hill the trees started blowing around…I have it all on video…something I’ve never experienced in my life!! Very powerful
How do I get authorization. To investigate there? Phone no. Please anybody?
The cemetery in the second video is not the pioneer cemetery it’s not even the rite one from the story all tho it is extremely creepy
The cemetery in the second video is not the pioneer cemetery it’s not even the rite one from the story all tho it is extremely creepy
I was there today 9/24/2019 have about 150 pictures
I’ve been to the Lafayette pioneer cemetery many times, during the day and at night..nothing has ever happened there.
I’ve also walked through the masonic cemetery at night, that one is spooky. I felt like someone else was there besides my friend and i.
My friend and I went to the masonic cemetery in search of an experience and boy we got one. We walked about in awe at the nature around us. It truly was beautiful. However, it was the most desecrated cemetery I’ve ever seen. Most headstones were knocked over. There was a peculiar plant that grew in the exact shape and size of a grave but if they were graves they were unmarked. We decided to walk back to the car after experiencing no activity for over half an hour. As we walked down the hill, we both began to hear very distinct, very human sounding footsteps to our right in the fairly dense forest. They continued to get louder and we walked faster, but it kept up with us for nearly a minute of walking. It felt like a life time! We made it safely to the car and got the heck out of there!
My boyfriend and I went to both cemeteries today (June 25, 2017) during the day in search of some sign. The main cemetery was fine and oddly peaceful; however, the Masonic cemetery was a different story. I parked the car at the gate and we walked inside. Not too far in and up the path, I felt this cooling heaviness set over me. Everything at that moment was completely silent despite the breeze rustling the plants around us. I asked my boyfriend if he felt anything, and he described the same experience without me having to say a word. We decided to go further, but not long after, my boyfriend stopped dead in his tracks and said we cannot go further because it is not safe. He said he felt the heaviness again and it was dangerous. At that moment, my memory skips. He said I ripped my hand out of his, threw my hands up, and would not let him go near me. He said I also turned around very quickly and then stopped. After this episode, my memory and consciousness came back and we decided we would head back. We never made it to the top and around the bend to the cemetery, and this was in broad daylight. When we get back down to the car, we both climbed in. I convinced my boyfriend to get out and take a photo of the pathway because it looked so creepy, and when he got back, he was really spooked. I had enough at this point and started my car. Once it was started, the alert lights came on… My car indicated I had low fuel, to check my engine, and that all of my doors and trunk were open. I opened and slammed my door shut, but the lights remained on. I put the car in drive and started to head out, but as I was sticking out into traffic, the car died. It is a good car and was not giving me any previous trouble… After we got it started and left, I was shaking uncontrollably and it took quite a while for me to calm down. Before this experience, I was very doubtful of spiritual occurrences, but I am convinced now. I will never go back to Lafayette, and I urge all of you to go with caution. If you decide to go to the Masonic cemetery, only go during the day and do not go alone.
Hello J,
We were at this cemetery the following day and found something of interest. We would like you to contact us asap. oregonpru@gmail.com http://www.oregonparanormalspecialists.com Rather urgent.
Sorry, Masonic Cemetery.
We read all the stories about this cemetery and so we took a trip to Lafayette pioneer cemetery to see for our selves. We picked up a couple of EVP’s and a full sentence EVP however there were no benevolent things happening. We even spent the night on the grounds and nothing more then an annoying mosquito and a benevolent old man at 7:00Am taking our plate # and telling us he was calling the Sheriff because of the bag of garbage that was in the lot that we must have thrown their because we were their and so was the garbage. We told him to let them know we will wait for them to arrive which they never did. LOL!
My son and I got 2 EVPs from the Pioneer Lafayette Cemetery. First one my son asked for a name and we heard nothing. Then my son said randomly, “Is your name, John?” and we heard a weird moaning sound that sounded like a man. The 2nd EVP was what sounded like children playing or a woman screaming. It was so quiet it was really hard to tell.
I recently went into this cemetary. I felt a cold chill deep inside with a heaviness. As we reached the top of the hill i snapped 2 pictures at this moment I felt the need to leave. As we turned to leave mu chest started to burn. When I lifted my jacket and shirt i had 8 scratched down my chest and blood coming from 2 of them. I will never return to this place eventhough my wife wants to return
Listen ya’ll, I hate to be the wet blanket, but there is and never was a Witch. The person who was hanged was actually the son of Anna Marple, Anna is the “witch” in the legend. Her son was hanged after he was found guilty of murder. So no, no witch hunt and no curse either. Anna was actually a “Gypsy” (Slang word, I know but thats what they called her). A simple visit to Findagrave.com will let you know that Anna “The witch” is not even buried in the Masonic Cemetery or the Pioneer Cemetery, (her son is at the Masonic one) she is not even in the same county. Is the cemetery still super creepy? Yes. Is it still probably haunted? Up to you, I’m gonna with yes though. Anna Marple being a witch that cursed Lafayette and haunts her burial ground is just a legend.
I have seen a lady in a white dress it was a ghost three other people were with me and they seen the same thing super haunted