Not only is this local historic eatery known for its delicious family-style chicken dinner, it’s also known for being haunted by several spirits.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 135 E Main St
Morristown, IN 46161
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.67338312274352, -85.69908294088236
- County:
- Shelby County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Morristown, IN (0.0 mi.)
Arlington, IN (6.9 mi.)
Manilla, IN (8.1 mi.)
Carthage, IN (8.1 mi.)
Greenfield, IN (8.6 mi.)
Fairland, IN (10.6 mi.)
New Palestine, IN (10.6 mi.)
Spring Lake, IN (10.9 mi.)
Shelbyville, IN (11.3 mi.)
Knightstown, IN (12.5 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Been there many, many times and never even heard a hint that it was haunted.
I grew up just outside of Morristown out in the country. We live right next to an old cemetery called Asbury Cemetery. The house we live in was built in the late 1800’s. There once lived an older man at the farm house. He was known to have been unfriendly and not so kind to people. One day he was taken care of his horse when it had kicked him on the head. Mind you, this happened in the barn where there was a certain part of the barn for cows. This is where it had happened. I never knew the location of this accident growing up but when I found out it was in that particular barn out of the three barns, I had goosebumps going up my back! I had always had nightmares of that barn and could always sense something wasn’t quite right. Like a sixth sense. I could always get a bad vibe from certain places, away from home and at home. I have heard noises coming from that barn and I’ve seen lights on in the hay loft after the electricity had been shut off from the house to the barn to save power and money. One night I brought attention to my mom. When she noticed it was on she stopped in her tracks and wouldn’t go any further. Just recently my son was playing out near that barn. He loves water hoses and was playing with one in front of the barn entrance when all of a sudden he came running towards me freaked out screaming and crying. When I asked him what was wrong he Saud he saw a scary man. I believe it was him who died in that barn. To throw you for a loop his funeral viewing was in the front room of our house which was also known to be haunted! My cousin came over one night when I was little. We (my dad, mom, me, my sister and cousin were all down stairs when they claimed they saw a white light flash before their eyes going up the stairs. We also have a basement. I’ve had my bedroom directly above the basement. I’ve heard heavy footsteps going up the wooden steps before. I’ve heard a girl talking to me as I sat on the stairway before. I’ve also encountered my sisters dog acting crazy and barking at the basement door. These are just a few of the things that have happened. We are also in charge of opening and locking the cemetery next to the house. One night my mom went to lock the gate. It was storming that night. When she got back she was all frantic and going crazy. We all asked her what was wrong when she told us that she saw an old man hiding behind a tree. She started to go into describing him wearing a hat just low enough to cover his hair and a cane he was crunched on. It was when she said that he vanished into thin air that I began to freak out a little as well. The storm did not help with this matter. Just to give you an update on this house: it was currently hit by lightning on April 3rd 2014. My son saw the man last week, June 19th. All of these stories are 100% true and real! You can ask them yourselves. The house is now vacant due to it being burnt from the lighting strike back in April. We are currently not living there but we do visit to maintain the land and try to clean up. It will be even worse now I think. This house is scarier than any place I’ve ever been and I’ve lived in it for 23 years. Sometimes the best stories are those in your own back yard, or house!
We also hurried our black horse out in the pasture where he once grazed. One night I invited two of my friends out there. Once they saw that barn they as well were scared and not too fond of it. One of the friends claimed he saw a horse walking in the same area where he was buried. The kicker is I never told him about the horse being hurried there until after he said that! Freaked me out some. I’m not sure if it was the horse that kicked the man in the head or our horse that had died a few years ago.