Kirk Denmark Theatre - Rock County Theater

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Empty and dark theaters can be spooky because of their large, echoing spaces, but this one may be more so because it’s said to have a ghost. A deceased employee, some say a theater instructor or a director, causes lights to go on and off and doors to open and close. Witnesses have heard voices talking or whispering here as well.

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Geographic Information

2909 Kellogg Ave.
Janesville, WI 53546
United States

Get Directions »
42.64885027998011, -89.05696731810167
Rock County, Wisconsin
Nearest Towns:
Janesville, WI (3.0 mi.)
Hanover, WI (5.4 mi.)
Footville, WI (7.9 mi.)
Beloit, WI (9.8 mi.)
Orfordville, WI (10.1 mi.)
Milton, WI (10.5 mi.)
South Beloit, IL (10.8 mi.)
Clinton, WI (11.6 mi.)
Edgerton, WI (12.9 mi.)
Rockton, IL (13.6 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I worked as a stage manager/lighting director/costumer/actor here for 8 separate shows over the years as well as taking acting classes through U-Rock. Numerous times I have had lights turn off and on, heard voices when the theater was empty, heard sounds of construction,and have had items moved from where I had left them in the dressing rooms only to appear on the counters in front of the mirrors in the make-up areas. I have even spent the night in the women’s dressing room where I woke several times to voices, footsteps, and the bathroom light being turned on. The most unusual experience (That shook me the most) was being in the seats of the theater and hearing someone call my name. When I went to see who it could have been, I heard people playing basketball in the gym down stairs. I went to see if it could have been someone from there, but when I started to descend the stairs, it went silent. I did not find one single person ANY WHERE: down stairs, in the gym and locker rooms, the theater, backstage, offices, the whole building that I could access without having a key for the locks…all empty and silent. I left and it took me a week to shake it off.

    • Sarah, do you still live in the area? We are filming a sizzle reel for a new show concept and are in need of a location to film for about 30 minutes in IR for it. Do you think the facility would be open to having us? If so, would you also be interested in doing a short interview? It would take five minutes. Let me know by emailing me directly. Thanks!

  2. My brother and his fiancee both went to U- Rock (That’s where they met). I asked them and my brother said and I quote “The lights where weird, and we heard sh*t all the time. But none of us gave a f*ck.” While his Fiancee said, “We noticed the lights and a few sounds, we just passed it off as an old building, or someone being stupid.” both did say they’ve heard the stories and everything. My brother says it’s all bull to scare Freshmen, and his fiancee says that everything is a possibility.

    • Update: My brother took me to see a play there a last week and I kept seeing little wisps. Whenever I’d try to focus on them they’d disappear or float into the ceiling. I totally believe it’s haunted.

  3. When I was going to school there, I had a theater project to do and had to work on the stage to get it done. I heard music coming from the left side area of the stage, but noone was there and I went out and checked the music rooms nearby and everyone was gone (this was at night). I had lights come on, and I heard people talking in the seating area.

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.