Kings Island Amusement Park

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Kings Island, an amusement park that opened in 1972, is rumored to have an 1840s graveyard called Dog Street Cemetery on the premises. But most witnesses feel that the park’s haunts are victims of accidental deaths, like the 1976 tragedy when a Lion Country Safari Ranger was killed by a lion or Black Sunday in 1992, when a man, his friend and a security guard were electrocuted in a fountain that had an unknown electrical issue, and a woman on the nearby Flight Commander twisted to look at the commotion in the fountain and fell out of her harness to her death.

One of the Kings Island ghosts seen often is a girl in a period blue dress that some call Tram Girl, as she’s often seen around the parking lot or admissions area after park close. And Racer Boy is the nickname given to a little boy ghost who wears white and appears near the Racer coaster. He is believed to be attached to some of the Racer cars that originally belonged to a Coney Island ride called Shooting Star, on which a little boy was found dead on the tracks, having fallen from the ride. Tower Johnny is the ghost who haunts the Eiffel Tower. In 1983, he was visiting on a grad night event when he fell down an elevator shaft while exploring restricted areas of the Tower. He is still blamed for electrical problems; workers call unexplained tripped sensors “Johnnies.”

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Geographic Information

6300 Kings Island Dr
Mason, OH 45040
United States

Get Directions »
39.3469595, -84.26917079999998
Warren County, Ohio
Nearest Towns:
Kings Mills, OH (1.3 mi.)
Mason, OH (2.4 mi.)
Landen, OH (2.5 mi.)
Loveland Park, OH (3.3 mi.)
Maineville, OH (3.4 mi.)
South Lebanon, OH (3.4 mi.)
Loveland, OH (5.4 mi.)
Wetherington, OH (5.9 mi.)
Highpoint, OH (5.9 mi.)
Sixteen Mile Stand, OH (6.0 mi.)

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Comments (15)

  1. Then girl in the blue dress is most often seen on the train ride. Her nickname is “Train Girl”, but in actuality her name is Missouri Jane. Tower Johnny’s real name was John Harter. His ghost is seen almost every day standing on the observation deck. Racer Boy might have been buried in the Kings Island Cemetery. This is one of the most haunted places in America. I have been collecting stories from the park for several years from employees and guests.

    • E.P would you mind if I told you my story as I was physically harmed by Tower Johnny. I would love to give you my story for your collection. From one Paranormal junkie to another, Happy investigating.

      Find me on facebook at Kat Santos

  2. I saw the girl with the blue dress on the Eiffel Tower a couple years ago, and thought she was real. Creepy experience when I was still a kid…

  3. Riding Beast at night, during second lift hill i looked to my right and saw glowing red eyes in the trees shake it off and then see a mist form where i saw the eyes. never riding it again.

  4. i saw racer boy once..i was sitting in a car by myself cause my friend wouldnt ride it so i went a head a rode it while he was getting some food. this was in the summer of 2014. my friend got some food to eat while i rode the racer. little did i know i wasnt riding alone. as we were going up the first hill i looked to my left and a boy was standing on top of the other coaster i yelled get down from there then it disappered into the sky and when we got home i did some research on it and found some old pictures of him online (i dont remember what siter i saw them on) seen the boy in one of the pictures. theres no way i could ever know what he looked like but i remember seeing him.

  5. One Night I was riding the Caboose of the train in hopes of seeing the girl in blue. I, unfortunately, did not see the little girl, however, I witnessed something else that haunts me to this day. As the train was passing by the watchtower I saw a black figure which looked like it was hanging off the tower. It had glowing red eyes, extremely long fingers, and what seemed to be horns on the top of its head. If you come across this comment and have seen it please comment and tell me about your experience. From one paranormal junkie to another, Happy investigating.

  6. The Dog Street Cemetery is not “rumored”. It really exists, and was part of the farmland that was there before KI was built. the FindAGrave website lists it & has pics, or you can also see the cemetery on GoogleEarth, at the north end of the KI parking lot (going into street-view lets you look at the edge of the cemetery fence). The little girl ghost is supposedly associated with the cemetery.

    “Tower Johnny” was a real person & a real tragedy; John Harter was a Deleware OH high school senior who died in May 1983 during one of the Grad Night parties at the park. Somehow he got inside the elevator shaft and was climbing up, slipped, and fell onto the roof of an oncoming elevator car, and got crushed by the lift mechanisms. The story is in the United Press archives:

    John McCann was the ranger killed by the lion. That was in 1976. The Safari area of the park is now the concert ampitheatre and the “Action zone”.

    The “1992 incident” was actually in **1991** — the woman killed on Flight Commander had nothing to do with the deaths in the Oktoberfest pond; she was killed over an hour after those happened. The woman (Cyndi Taylor) was severely drunk; she **passed out** and slid under the restraints, and was thrown from the ride. For the Oktoberfest deaths, while three people were in the pond, only two died (Darrel Robertson, the park employee, and William Haithcoat, a visitor who tried to help). The third person survived.

    While I worked at the park in the ’80s & my sisters worked there in the ’90s, all of the info I state is not just personal recollection. It’s all easily found online, in various news archives. Please learn to double-check things before you post stories, eh? Real people died, and they deserve the truth, not exaggerated paranormal tall tales.

    • Thank you for your comments. In the early 80’s, the camping area and cemetery could still be seen. I was worried it had been dug up/torn down as I haven’t seen it in the last 20 years. I had even searched via satellite. I tried your suggestion of “street view” and was finally able to find it. Thank you! Also, do you remember the incident at The Beach? I was a teenager and will NEVER forget it. Everyone was running for their vehicles in the parking lot as a terrible thunderstorm had blown in. As I was running with my family, we heard an extremely loud clap of thunder and screaming. We then heard sirens and knew it was bad. Staff held patrons (trying to get to their vehicles) back while emergency personnel were trying to access the area and assist. We found out later, via the news, about the lightning strike and death.

      • hey! do you remember specifics of the incident at the beach? curious because i can’t find anything about it on the internet other than new owners and similar stuff.

  7. i live in Eaton oh and had no haunting in kings island except for one but ill tell later … but i have a cousin that lived i a house that was built in the 80’s and we was talking and from where the window is we saw a shadow and there was no one there so for me it was just the strangest thing I’ve ever encountered. so please stay away from the house and comment your encounters of ghosts so i can read them

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