Kinder Cemetery is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of an old man name George, who has been known to push or slap visitors and cause the temperature to rise when he is especially angry.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Columbia River hwy near Dike Road
St. Helens, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.91353121223609, -122.82550183677063
- County:
- Columbia County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Deer Island, OR (1.5 mi.)
Columbia City, OR (1.8 mi.)
Saint Helens, OR (3.5 mi.)
Woodland, WA (4.0 mi.)
Kalama, WA (6.6 mi.)
Warren, OR (6.6 mi.)
Ridgefield, WA (7.9 mi.)
La Center, WA (8.3 mi.)
Prescott, OR (9.8 mi.)
Scappoose, OR (11.3 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I don’t know about this place but the bayview cemetery in st.Helens is very haunted me and my fiancé went there just to look around and we were standing under ones of the trees there and he said he felt someone squeeze his shoulder but I wasn’t close enough to him to touch him and then as we were walking away from that tree i t felt like someone poked me in the ribs buty fiancé was way behind me and there are two flag poles there one as you enter the cemetery and one in the middle of three benches and as we were leaving the wind wasn’t blowing and the flag at the entrance wasn’t moving but the one surrounded by the benches was moving. Not to mention I just felt really uneasy and on edge the entire time we were there and I have only felt that way at one other cemetery before.
i have watched footage on tape long ago of this place. im guessing it was 2003. just a few of my friends went there and taped as they explored it. they did not see anything while there, however after watching the video of them exploring,, there was a shadow that walked across the screen of t.v. plain as day, you could not deny it. legs and arms moving and this was a faint white shadow at night. was slow and you could really see it well. i have watched it with about 5 people and they agree. what sucks is,, the video got recorded over for a school project by the video keepers sister. so i guess its up to you to balieve or not,, but i dont joke around about this stuff. im way into it.
I had captured a pic of a ghostly shadow in the shape of a girl hovering between two graves. I am a skeptic, looking for any explanation other than a ghost. I could not get one. The creepiest thing is, I posted the picture on this site and many others, only now, it has completely vanished! Not only online, but no longer in my dropbox, my phone, my computer or my external drive. I know it is difficult to believe, considering it is too convenient that I have 0 proof of this photo anywhere. Very strange. As even if this site and the others had removed it, I would still have copies of the original on my computer, device and dropbox.