The ghost of former inn resident Alexander Thompson reportedly haunts the building after hanging himself in Room #210 of the hotel. Disembodied voices and footsteps have been heard, doors open and close by themselves and guests staying in the room where he died have reported smelling cigar smoke. Strange lights have been seen in the corridors of the historic inn, along with other paranormal activity.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 500 Kent Manor Drive
Stevensville, MD
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.964367769885584, -76.31567090760655
- County:
- Queen Anne's County, Maryland
- Nearest Towns:
- Stevensville, MD (1.1 mi.)
Chester, MD (1.6 mi.)
Kent Narrows, MD (4.2 mi.)
Grasonville, MD (5.7 mi.)
Highland Beach, MD (8.4 mi.)
Queenstown, MD (8.7 mi.)
Cape Saint Claire, MD (8.8 mi.)
Naval Academy, MD (9.4 mi.)
Annapolis, MD (9.5 mi.)
Hillsmere Shores, MD (9.8 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We were awakened and saw the young girl with flowing hair; third floor room.
The manager responded after we inquired about oddities in our room. She asked before we mentioned any details”If we had seen the little girl”?
All true/ without embellishment.
Back in 1996, my husband worked for the Sheraton 4 Points Hotel, which was co-owned by the same man who owned the Kent Manor Inn. We specifically booked room #210 because of it’s reputation for being haunted. The Inn is a beautiful place. We visited the grounds as well as the whole Inn. When we retired for the night, we had no hesitation in sleeping there. Our night was uneventful, we slept soundly & experienced no activity. I’d go back & gladly stay again.
The Inn is now under extensive renovation. Trying to preserve the history, we would be interested in anyone who worked there and could give us some information. Please feel free to contact Deb at 410.643.5757 x4. Thank you.
I stayed in room 210 7/9/17 not knowing a hanging took place there back in the 1800’s. About 0230 am i turned onto my side in the bed when i suddenly felt “pressure” on my upper arm and felt “breathing” next to my left cheek and ear. I was frozen and trembling. I am sure someone was leaning over on me. 6 days later my friends informed me of the death and room #
I stayed in room 210 in the late 1980s-early 1990s. I was in DC for business and went out to the shore for the weekend. I experienced two odd events. The first was in the bathroom, where my toiletry kit ‘flew’ off the counter while I was standing at the mirror. The second was in the bedroom, where a blind rolled up of its own accord and fell out of the window. I remember my roommate said “Hi Alex” after that one happened. Both events happened at night.
My father unknowingly stayed in the same room about 30 years ago, during a business trip. He had many odd experiences during the night, including sudden changes in temperature, where the room got cold, and he could see his breath, to noises in the walls, and furniture, and a sensation of someone standing over him.