Reports differ as to when the theater was built, but it was sometime in the early 1900s. The identity of the haunts here is also a mystery, but some speculate it may be former employees, movie-loving former patrons, or even a man who was shot on the street outside many years ago. The theater closed in 1984 and was purchased in 1989 as Kelso Dollar Theater; Kelso Theater Pub was established in 1996. Among the strang things witnesses and ghost hunters say happen here are apparitions, orbs, EVP (electronic voice phenomena), cold spots, footsteps, and something unknown that sets of motion detectors when no one living is there. Apparitions seen include one of an old man in a dark suit, a black cat, two little girls, and a man named Franklin in the balcony.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 214 S Pacific Ave
Kelso, WA 98626
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 46.143637, -122.91123800000003
- County:
- Cowlitz County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Kelso, WA (0.3 mi.)
Longview, WA (1.3 mi.)
West Side Highway, WA (2.8 mi.)
Longview Heights, WA (3.4 mi.)
Rainier, OR (4.0 mi.)
West Longview, WA (4.5 mi.)
Prescott, OR (6.6 mi.)
Castle Rock, WA (9.1 mi.)
Kalama, WA (9.9 mi.)
Clatskanie, OR (14.5 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
When I went to the Kelso Theater Pub for a birthday party, it started out really well. We were scaring the bejezus out of the other party guests, (my friend and I) and I stepped backwards. The room was warm, then suddenly it was really cold and dark. I felt really sad and scared, and I ended up almost tripping over the balcony. After that, my friend walked me to the bathroom. I told her to leave because I was scared and crying. She agreed, and walked just outside of the bathroom. After a while, I tried to get out of the bathroom, and the door wouldn’t budge. I felt like an idiot because I had forgotten I locked the door. But when I looked, the door wasn’t locked in any way! I think I screamed because my friend ran in, and walked me out. The final freaky thing that happened was when I looked in the mirror: There was a man, in the girls bathroom!
wood like see for my self
my uncle ran the pub for 9 years, I’ve seen it all. after hours if you stand in the ladies bathroom you’ll see him, some say they see a woman and a man in there. Ive been everywhere in that building I can confirm this building is Haunted and is highly active with paranormal activity.
I have had experience in another building up the street from there I used to be called trophies, I seen orbs dancing the sound of music and people laughing in another area of the building I was upstairs painting and was the only person in the building when I walked downstairs to see what all the commotion was about thinking maybe another employee was bringing glasses into a back door or playing music on dj equepment no one was there.
This was taken from Longview WA. Notice “figure” in center of “heart”. And face immediately to the right. And the ANGEL at lower right, next to tree.