Keachi Women's College

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Cold spots and ghostly moans are reported to happen on the second floor.

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Geographic Information

Louisiana 172
Keachi, LA
United States

Get Directions »
32.18973521852431, -93.90957391275151
De Soto Parish, Louisiana
Nearest Towns:
Keatchie, LA (0.3 mi.)
Gloster, LA (5.5 mi.)
Longstreet, LA (6.8 mi.)
Stonewall, LA (8.1 mi.)
Grand Cane, LA (9.3 mi.)
Frierson, LA (13.5 mi.)
Logansport, LA (15.7 mi.)
Stanley, LA (15.8 mi.)
Mansfield, LA (16.1 mi.)
South Mansfield, LA (16.3 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (15)

  1. That is the site of the Keatchie Women’s College, but my sources say that the building seen in the picture was never part of the college. From my own experiences, that building wasn’t there from the 60’s until maybe 20 years ago. It was moved to this location from somewhere else.

  2. This is the actual college I went there I felt a presence the whole time I was taking pictures beside and in front of the building!! I believe it’s haunted I heard voices too.

  3. I am right down the road from it and it was a morgue then it was a all girl school…there is a 2 story brick building behind the wooden building.

  4. Would like to have permission to metal detector the grounds of the college. We are with Rusk County Metal Detecting Association on Henderson Texas my number is 9038892245 if you need to talk to me thank you

  5. So the building in front of the red/orange brick school is actually a part of the old womens college. It was moved from Depot Road (when or why though I cannot remember off the top of my head).

    The old morgue was in that horrible, creepy, delapitated building on the corner of 789 and 172.

      • I love ’em too! I used to be obsessed with Keatchie when I was younger lol (don’t ask, I really have no idea why) and am CONVINCED that one day I will have enough money to buy and fix up the hold Cathy house there 😀

        my grandparents actually owned the house just on the corner there by the old school and had a dairy farm way back in the day. my mama grew up there and being a small place, everybody knew everybody. so I know a lot of the history 🙂

  6. I spent my SR year in HS in Keatchie! My mom and step dad purchased a log home on 45 acres out there and this spot was on my way TO and FROM my high school I was made to attend (Logansport High in Logansport, LA).
    I have always felt a presence there and still do to this day when I go by there. I am looking into seeing who owns the property currently and am looking for hopefully my paranormal investigation team I formed can have practice runs out there for them to get more familiar with the equipment I have been stocking up on.
    THIS site, or searching online for others, may yield some info about it….instead of just “here say”, “rumors”, etc.

  7. I love ’em too! I used to be obsessed with Keatchie when I was younger lol (don’t ask, I really have no idea why) and am CONVINCED that one day I will have enough money to buy and fix up the hold Cathy house there 😀

    my grandparents actually owned the house just on the corner there by the old school and had a dairy farm way back in the day. my mama grew up there and being a small place, everybody knew everybody. so I know a lot of the history 🙂

  8. Hello, My name is Jeremy and I am from the “Bayou Phantom Hunters” (Paranormal Investigation Group) and I was doing research on the Keatchie Confederate Memorial Cemetery and my research then led me to the Keachi Women’s College/Keachi Female College(Built in 1865) due to the fact that this particular location was one of the “makeshift hospitals” used during the “Battle of Mansfield” that took place on April 8th of 1864 towards the end of the Civil War. My research specifically stated that the second floor of the Keachi Women’s College was used for the morgue while the first floor was used for tending to wounded Confederate soldiers of course. This would mean any soldiers that passed at the Keachi Women’s College would have been buried at the Keatchie Confederate Memorial Cemetery. Between 1879-1912 it was the Keachi Male and Female College and I believe the picture I found is from the early 1900’s in its final years as the Keachi Male and Female College. Sometime after 1912 it was then used as a public school for the area (K-12) and I have photo verification up till around 1922-1923. I’m assuming the original College building was either removed or demolished sometime after that and the Brick building that’s there now was to replace the original College building sadly. The two white wood buildings that are there currently I’m told are old homes that used to be down the road from the original College building and were moved there in the 80’s. So unfortunately I don’t believe anything from the original College building survived. Anyways I’m pretty sure the picture I found is from the early 1900’s during its time as the Keachi Male and Female College. Hope any of this info helped.

    • Correction. The Keachi Women’s College was built in 1856 and not 1865. Sorry about that. Here’s a picture of the same Keachi Women’s College building being used as a public school in 1922.

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