Jones Cemetery

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The late-1800s house across the street from the cemetery, according to local folklore, was long ago the home of a young girl who was beaten and starved to death by her parents. **The house is private property; please respect the current owners’ privacy.** The girl is said to have been buried in the cemetery. Folks have heard the sounds of beatings coming from the house and experienced strange mechanical things happening to their cars as they pass by or visit the cemetery.

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Geographic Information

Jones Cemetery
Camden, AR
United States

Get Directions »
33.43864279881059, -92.79678654696909
Ouachita County, Arkansas
Nearest Towns:
Louann, AR (3.3 mi.)
Smackover, AR (6.6 mi.)
Camden, AR (10.3 mi.)
Norphlet, AR (11.5 mi.)
East Camden, AR (12.1 mi.)
Stephens, AR (15.8 mi.)
Calion, AR (16.7 mi.)
El Dorado, AR (17.6 mi.)
Hampton, AR (20.0 mi.)
Chidester, AR (22.3 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    • No u won’t because she was an elderly black woman and will was her husband there isn’t one white person In the hole cemetery I talked drucilas family then I went ti the court house and found in public records about jones centery I’ve read the obituary my self no lil white kid tvd Burkket house has nothing to do with cemetery it was a share crop house the hole story is a bald face lie

  1. last pic. Keep in mind it was clear no fog insight, I have a pic showing how clear it was and bam this was in my camera but I couldn’t see anything when I wasn’t looking through my camera.

  2. The whole story is a lie yalls story is lies I bet none of y’all even live in Camden there never was a civil war soldier hung there nr was a little white girl barried in an all black cemetery drucila is actually a old black lady y’all are dumbasses the Burkett house had nothing to do with the cemetery I did some research and found this out the Flanagan’s where black lady ts just line Patton cemetery a few miles from this one it’s all in public records if u still think your B’s story is true then track some of her family down and ask just like the factory by the river never made ammo it’s made up to or the haunted track light it ain’t across from the Pepsi plant it’s actually called the Amy light it’s in harmony Grove so before u go tell lies to make yourself look big don’t you only make yourself look like ignorent

  3. Where are you getting your information? The legend of Drucilla’s grave has nothing to do with a child being beaten. The Drucilla legend is about a woman who was wrongly accused of being a witch and was hanged for witchcraft. According to legend, it was actually her sister who was the witch.

    I have lived here my entire life and I’ve NEVER heard the story of a little girl being beaten to death.

    • I’ve been amused at all of the stories that have generated from people around that area about this one poor woman. I’ve hung out at Jones many times over the last 25 years, mostly picking up trash like beer bottles left behind by thrill seekers and other people of low character.

    • incorrect drucila wasn’t a Wich nor was she a small child she died of natural causes she was an elderly black woman will was her husband the cemetery is all black cemetery and the Burkett house has nothing to do with the cemetery I’ve talked to her relatives and done the research all of the storys are false

    • Well I hate to bust your bubble lady but the story regardless is a lie the Burkett house has nothing to do with the cemetery I got my information from Mrs drucilas family thank you so id suggest you do some research before call me a liar I’ve lived here all my life I’m 43 years old none of what any of these websites about Camden is true

  4. Mason Provence  |  

    I don’t know if anyone will even read this…but I lived on maul rd in camden right beside a church it’s a brick house one day me and my brother were sneaking to grab a snack I look on the couch and theres a really pale girl sitting there looking at us we go to the bedroom with me not saying anything my brother asks if I seen the little girl I dont have pictures or anything I was like 8 or 9 but remember it very clearly please let me know if anyone else had the experience at that house please I need to know it’s really important

  5. this is all lies not even close to the truth drucila was an elderly black woman will was her husband and the Burkett house was a share crop house it has and had nothing to do with Jones cemetery and the cemetery is all African Americans I’ve lived here for 40 years there isn’t one bit of truth to the story given about this or the factory by the river or the haunted track light either I’ve done the research and I’ve talked to sone of the family of drucila and to all those liers that say they used to stay in the Burkett house or any of the other stuff y’all claim I’m calling bull crap on ya cause you all are liers

  6. Well I hate to bust your bubble lady but the story regardless is a lie the Burkett house has nothing to do with the cemetery I got my information from Mrs drucilas family thank you so id suggest you do some research before call me a liar I’ve lived here all my life I’m 43 years old none of what any of these websites about Camden is true

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.