The prisonlike 1887 mansion is said to be haunted by its architect, Henry Hobson Richardson. His white apparition has been seen in the bedroom and on the stairs, and cold spots are felt about the mansion.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1800 South Prairie Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60616
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.857718, -87.62121100000002
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Chicago, IL (1.6 mi.)
Cicero, IL (6.9 mi.)
Oak Park, IL (8.6 mi.)
Stickney, IL (8.7 mi.)
Berwyn, IL (8.9 mi.)
Forest View, IL (9.5 mi.)
Forest Park, IL (10.0 mi.)
Hometown, IL (10.2 mi.)
River Forest, IL (10.3 mi.)
Evergreen Park, IL (10.3 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
i have been dreaming about Griffith and payed no attention to it .Last night in my dream he phoned me and was accusing me of something….i googled the name Griffith and have come on to this sight…i know what i heard was a message…but hope he calls again so i can hear what…i was very rattled when i awoke…i live in SA
Its not HH Richardson who is haunting but John Glessner himself!