Christina Crawford, Joan Crawford’s adopted daughter, said that when she was a child, she used to see many frightening figures here. When she talked to a later owner of the house, she learned that the paranormal activity was still continuing and was thought to house many negative spirits. The owners of the house have heard crying coming from within the walls or have been plagued with negative emotion usually leading to depression, alcoholism, addiction, and mental health issues. One of the ghosts there is believed to be Joan Crawford herself, known for vicious reputation. Fires are also said to break out by themselves for no reason.
(Submitted by Chris Berglund)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 426 N Bristol Ave Los Angeles, CA 90049
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 34.063267, -118.48819200000003
- County:
- Los Angeles County, California
- Nearest Towns:
- Santa Monica, CA (3.0 mi.)
Westwood, CA (3.3 mi.)
Century City, CA (4.1 mi.)
Culver City, CA (6.0 mi.)
Marina Del Rey, CA (6.1 mi.)
Sherman Oaks, CA (6.5 mi.)
Topanga, CA (6.9 mi.)
West Hollywood, CA (7.5 mi.)
Ladera Heights, CA (8.0 mi.)
Las Flores, CA (8.6 mi.)

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