This Victorian manor house was built in 1892, and it is believed some of the former residents who called this historic house home have never really moved on. Visitors have seen the apparition of a lady in an old-fashioned black dress, who has been known to move furniture around. Other activity reported includes ghostly laughter, disembodied footsteps and doors that fly open by themselves.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 355 North Settlemier Avenue
Woodburn, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.1446718, -122.86188019999997
- County:
- Marion County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Woodburn, OR (0.3 mi.)
Gervais, OR (3.1 mi.)
Hubbard, OR (3.7 mi.)
Donald, OR (5.5 mi.)
Mount Angel, OR (6.1 mi.)
Saint Paul, OR (7.2 mi.)
Aurora, OR (7.9 mi.)
Brooks, OR (8.2 mi.)
Butteville, OR (8.2 mi.)
Barlow, OR (10.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
October 17, 2015
My name is Bret Buchanan and I am a member of NW Paranormal & Occult Research, more commonly known as N.W.P.O.R which is based out of Vancouver, WA. We are a non-profit organization that covers Washington and Oregon. Recently, I have come across the history of the Jesse H. Settlemier House, and am very interested in your thoughts on a possible investigation.
N.W.P.O.R takes a scientific approach with regards to conducting our investigations. We use a variety of scientific equipment to prove or disprove the claims of paranormal activity. After the investigation we use software to analyze all the data (i.e. photos, video, audio, etc.) collected to validate the possibility of any paranormal activity. Feel free to visit our website to learn more about the N.W.P.O.R policies & procedures.
If you would like to discuss a possible investigation further, we would be more then glad to arrange a time to talk further via email, phone, or in person. At that point we can cover more details and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.
Bret Buchanan
Cell: (360) 713-8745
N.W.P.O.R (Paranormal & Occult Research)
I just recently had my wedding here it is absolutly beautiful one of the ladies who is a tour guide here has told us that they have had people come in recently and they said yes there is someone there but they are not a threat. they have never come into the house and the furnature has been moved but they will go in and say hi.
In 1972 there was a victorion 2 storey house on the corner of Garfield & 3rd street which l know got demolished. my parents rented that haunted house from 1968-1972 and l wanted to know if anyone out there remembers or may have a picture of it. There was alot of paranormal activity until we moved out in 72′. the rent was $50 a month which l now realise why.