Jefferson Barracks includes 41 historic military buildings and is rumored to be haunted by many ghosts. Building 1, built in 1900, is haunted by an older Confederate Civil War general, seen at the post commander’s office, as well as a shadowy ghost of a man who sits at a desk on the second floor. In Building 25, lights have been known to come on by themselves, and in Building 29, witnesses report footsteps, flushing toilets, and a voice shouting “Dismissed!” Building 37 is haunted by a hazy apparition, and at the Powder Magazine, a ghost sentry has been known to appear.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 533 Grant Rd
St Louis, MO 63125
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.5189133, -90.27623010000002
- County:
- St. Louis County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Lemay, MO (1.0 mi.)
Bella Villa, MO (1.6 mi.)
Saint George, MO (2.4 mi.)
Mehlville, MO (2.6 mi.)
East Carondelet, IL (2.8 mi.)
Wilbur Park, MO (3.0 mi.)
Green Park, MO (3.4 mi.)
Lakeshire, MO (3.5 mi.)
Dupo, IL (3.6 mi.)
Oakville, MO (3.7 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Three years ago I was working the grave yard shift, aka midnights. In building 51 I was sitting alone in the hallway monitoring the patients. The temperature began to drop. I was sitting 20 feet from the double steel entry doors. As I looked toward the doors I noticed a large apparition approximately 8 foot tall and the width covered the double doors. It was gray on the outer part with lighter gray in the inside. It was wavy like heat rising on asfalt. I turned my head and looked at the manifesting and coming closer to where I was sitting. I felt paralyzed and unable to call out for help. There was a dirt clothes hamper with wheels about 4 feet from me. I turned my head again and looked up and saw a hand holding the clothes hamper with only legs pushing the clothes hamper towards me. At that point I managed to regain my strength and ran. I was quite shaken up. I was unable to comprehend what I had just witnessed. I said nothing to my coworkers as I felt they would feel I was mentally off balance. I know I witnessed a spirit.
Seen a shadow running behind the stage in building 24 went to check and recorded a woman’s voice telling me to stay away from the stage…
I was there at the laborer’s house last year in May, it was a weekday and my cousin was playing tour guide. I was feeling an urge to explore soi went upstairs while my cousin was reading something downstairs. I walked past the first room, started feeling creeped out, got to the second room and decided that I really did not need to be there so I started back down the stairs. I felt a shove and push ond fell downstairs. After making sure I was ok, we hastily left, as we opened the door, there was a gentleman on the other side. We had a conversation with him about the site, he didn’t say who he was, only that he was looking to rent one of the apartments by the cemetery. My cousin and I looked back at our car started walking, looked back to say goodbye and the dude disappeared. Only there was no where he could have disappeared to…no other cars or people around…
I lived in a brick duplex on Sherman Ave, formerly housing for enlisted men with families. Several strange things happened, mostly centered around the foyer/foot of the stairs. 1. The dog would stare silently at the corner for long periods but would not walk there unless the lights were on. 2.My cell phone disappeared when we were moving in. We found it a few hours later in a box in a room I had not been in. 3. My husband had been hanging shelves in the kitchen, and came to ask me what I did with that hammer. I didn’t have it. We found it on a table in the foyer; both doors to the foyer were locked. 4. We found the laptop underneath the leg of the couch (the end by the stairs) after we’d been out shopping; we have no children and the dog was enclosed in the kitchen all day. 5. Husband saw and photographed an orb while he was building our bed frame. He took 6 photos and the orb was in all of them; he did not use flash and the shadows confirmed that the source of light in the room was actually behind him, while the orb was in front of him. It was about 6 inches in diameter, pale grey.
After the hammer hiding incident, hubby started announcing when he was going to be building something. Sometimes the orb would appear in the basement by the washing machine (the hook-ups were directly beneath the foyer). She wasn’t violent or even creepy, she just didn’t want us messing her house up. 🙂
I have only been one time to the Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. I’m not saying I’m psychic but there is a bad bad spirits that live in there I can feel it in my bones it scared me really bad I had to get out of there quickly