James Sheeley House

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A former blacksmith shop, the 1860s building was converted to a saloon and boarding house by John B. Paul. Its name comes from Irish immigrant James Sheeley who, with his wife Kate, bought the building and took over in 1905. In 2001 when the building was being cleaned and touched up, the new owner was surprised to find that when he tried to paint over a foyer mural, the roses in the painting kept bleeding right through the primer until he gave up on the project. And when he stained the stairs, unexplained footprints appeared on them the very next day.

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Geographic Information

236 W River St
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
United States

Get Directions »
44.9328379, -91.39481599999999
Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Nearest Towns:
Chippewa Falls, WI (0.3 mi.)
Lake Hallie, WI (4.5 mi.)
Lake Wissota, WI (4.6 mi.)
Seymour, WI (7.6 mi.)
Altoona, WI (9.2 mi.)
Jim Falls, WI (9.8 mi.)
Eau Claire, WI (9.8 mi.)
Cadott, WI (12.0 mi.)
Bloomer, WI (12.4 mi.)
Fall Creek, WI (13.0 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. The story originally was the foot steps were from the prostatutes that died there now covered by carpet because it would not go away you can still here footsteps upstairs and my dad used to deliver food there for a job he heard the footstep hard headed he didn’t care till the footprints showed up and at one point there were many workers locked in the freezer by nothing and had to be let out I was there 2014 so there ur proof just it’s creepy and truly haunted and I’m scared to get near i didn’t know it was haunted till after I just thought it was normal till I saw the foot steps I began to wonder why do I feel I’m being watch and on the stairs you can feel a sudden breeze like some one walked past…

  2. My ex-husband used to own this property and it is definitely haunted. I was pushed down those very stairs referenced in the remodel and there was no one behind me. There were many movements, noises, and voices on the second floor and in the second floor restroom.The juke box did seem to have a mind of it’s own. My ex was never really quite right while owning that place…….for some reason he would spend almost all night there and rarely go home after closing. Very strange yet appealing place at some level. Lots of very strong and strange energy in that place.

  3. My mom’s friend used to work there. Her friend was their after hours and was pushed and locked in the freezer by an unidentified object. There are noises heard when she is alone there.

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