Built from 1911 to 1913, the mansion is said to be haunted. Sources may be a little girl who was visiting and drowned in the basement pool, or James Allison himself. The little girl’s apparition has been seen, and witnesses also have reported voices in the attic, objects that move by themselves, objects that disappear, and furniture that is rearranged.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 3200 Coldspring Rd
Indianapolis, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.81687757450917, -86.20158934601932
- County:
- Marion County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Wynnedale, IN (1.0 mi.)
Spring Hills, IN (1.4 mi.)
Rocky Ripple, IN (2.7 mi.)
Crows Nest, IN (3.3 mi.)
Speedway, IN (3.6 mi.)
North Crows Nest, IN (3.9 mi.)
Indianapolis, IN (4.1 mi.)
Broad Ripple, IN (4.7 mi.)
Meridian Hills, IN (5.6 mi.)
Williams Creek, IN (6.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/indianapolis/allisonmansion.htm

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I went to college here and lived on campus. Every once in a while they would open the pool in Allison Mansion for us to go swimming. One evening, it was just myself and two friends. We heard what sounded like someone running around the pool. You could hear the “slap” of wet feet hitting the ground. We were the only ones in the pool room. Very creepy! We left and never went swimming there again.
Looks creepy and fun would love to stay the night there one day cause I’m a huge fan of ghost hunting and stuff that should be amazing
I was there years ago with someone who claimed to be a “sensitive”. I asked him if the mansion was haunted. He walked around the house and stopped in front of the door to the pool. He said there was a girl looking at him through the window. He was a little freaked out,
I did not see anything. The door to the pool was locked, and it was pitch black in the pool area. Weird.
Just graduated from there, and while I’ve never actually seen anything in Allison, I’ve definitely felt something down there. For one of my art classes freshman year, we had to do a perspective drawing of a place on campus. A few of us went to Allison because of how old and beautiful it was. Having never been downstairs, I went down into the pool room when something knocked the supplies out of my hands. Not like “oops, I dropped it” but a full-force ” DENIED” smack. So I gathered up my stuff, apologized for the intrusion, and went to the library. Never went back down there. They’ve now covered up the pool for good and turned it into a classroom for the EcoLab. IDK how that’s affected things.
I graduated there in the 90’s. The rumor was that Allison and some friends has a girl they toyed around with. When she announced she was pregnant, she had an accident in the pool. She is allegedly buried in the tunnel b/t Allison and Alverna Hall Bookstore.
When I worked there as a docent, I got punched in the chest in the car room down the hall from the pool. It was a busy place after parties were over.