Jackson Square Apartments

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The apartment building has been abandoned for years after being the scene to numerous murders. On the upper floors of the building, where a man shot various tenants who opened their apartment doors, the apparition of a man hanging from a noose has been seen in the corridor, along with the ghostly apparition of an old woman who frequents her apartment on the fourth floor. People who visit the second floor have reported seeing bloodstains and red lights, along with a menacing shadowy apparition, which reportedly haunts the scene of a stabbing murder many years ago. And many people have heard strange noises and seen a pregnant woman falling from the third floor, only to disappears before she hits the ground. The building is not open to the public, and trespassers will be prosecuted.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

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Geographic Information

1601 South Jackson Street
Amarillo, TX
United States

Get Directions »
35.197789, -101.84375399999999
Potter County, Texas
Nearest Towns:
Amarillo, TX (1.8 mi.)
Bishop Hills, TX (7.4 mi.)
Lake Tanglewood, TX (9.6 mi.)
Palisades, TX (9.7 mi.)
Timbercreek Canyon, TX (10.1 mi.)
Bushland, TX (12.5 mi.)
Canyon, TX (15.6 mi.)
Claude, TX (27.8 mi.)
Panhandle, TX (28.1 mi.)
Happy, TX (31.4 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Regina Magallanes  |  

    I love right down the street from this place and I have witnessed and heard things that are unexplainable…although I am very to things like this …

  2. I would like to know when all these murders happened, because I lived there in the early 80’s & there were no such problems going on there . I lived there many years.

    • Oh My Goodness! Terry, did you live in the center apartment on the second or third floor?

      My first husband and I lived on four bybthe stairs and then on one I. The same apartment by the stairs.

      Johnnie Ford. Vernel. Geeesh… still have those turquoise coulottes I loaned you with the multi color striped shirt?

  3. Aside from having traumatic experiences in this building as a child with neighbors in the 80’s, I also experienced two unexplained and haunting experiences that are now validated by all the other accounts I’ve read. It has taken decades for my experiences to be validated by others testimonies in this apartment. My first paranormal experience took place before my father was diagnosed with Cancer. I literally awoke to find him being taken or an attempt to take him by two dark figures appearing to resemble vampires. Needless to say as a child that was terrifying. Our family left texas then returned to the same apartment building 5 years later. At that time the 4th and 3rd floors had been closed down and uninhabited due to a fire. No one was allowed upstairs but I went anyway. I walked through the abandoned apartments as the doors were unlocked and in one of the apartments as I turned around I saw what appeared to be a tiny creature, with a demon face, sharp teeth, but the body of a strong man. It was a grayish black color. Over the years I remembered this clearly but after seeing the reports of hauntings I believe what I saw was real. tt stopped looked at me and hurried away from me…

    • The apartments have been torn to the ground. We went in just weeks before, and explored, and it was quite sketchy. Noises, footsteps, etc. it’s unfortunate that they’ve been torn down, but for some, probably very fortunate.

    • Lol, yeah right Mari.You failed to mention that you and your family were smoking funny cigarettes on your way back to the apartments,which explains vampires and so-called goblins. lol! Nice try though.

  4. My son and I had the opportunity to go and visit this place. We got there around 8 p.m and while we were inside walking around with flashlights, we heard a voice say,” I’m gonna getcha,I’m gonna getcha!” We stopped and looked at each other and continued to walk then we heard it again,”I’m gonna getcha,I’m gonna getcha!” We followed the voice into one of the rooms that had the door closed. I opened the door and walked in,it was then I noticed a monkey with it’s finger deep in it’s nose saying,”I’m gonna getcha,I’m gonna getcha!” Man,we were very scared!

  5. I hate to burst your bubble Parker, but that picture you posted is not the apartments you claim it to be. The apartments are still standing as I used to live in Amarillo and recently drove by the place. It is still boarded up and the owner is still undecided what they are going to do with it. There were a couple of homeless people that were found dead in there due to drugs and whatever else that may have killed them. They apparently broke in the place and overdosed. Just sayin..

  6. This is ridiculous. I lived there for over a year in the late 1990s. There were no weird noises or scary sounds. The building was old and much of the furnishings were old and crappy but it was a cheap place to live. (All bills paid and close to downtown). My apartment was on the first floor right next to the stairs. I had a small dog and we never had a problem except that the plumbing was old and had to be fixed repeatedly. The owner/manager was trying to fix it up by renting what he could and try to fix the rest. I knew most of my neighbors by sight and never heard anything about “scary” things happening. The building had a reputation as a crack house after I moved out but I saw no signs (but I kept my nose out of my neighbors private lives).

  7. I lived there 1984-1985.

    Other than being held together by rotten goulash and roach crap, it was NOT haunted.

    There are places in Amarillo that are legit evil, but this place is not one of them.

    I lived across the street above Catholic Family Services, too. For a year.

    No pregnant jumper. No see through man. Nothing.

    Druggies? Yes
    Lots of Polish immigrants who didn’t understand how to close the inner cage of the old Otis elevator? Yes
    Lots of loud assholes? Yes
    Air conditioning? No

    No ghosts. No blood stains. No hanging ghosts.

    Just lots of stories.

    • Okay… I admit… it was haunted. Mostly because devil worshipers drew demons and ghosts there. The basement was creepy AF! and there were voices, footsteps, and things that moved on their own.

  8. Its torn down I lived there several times as a tenant through the 90s and early 2000. Plus I grew up down the street at 1708 s jackson. Many expirances. Many.

  9. the apartments have been torn down and rebuilt it is now used as a place for old people along with buildings across the street

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